Friday, February 16, 2018

Last Call For the Success Story Giveaway!

inline_deadlineAt the beginning of the month, I announced that the bees and are looking to share your stories of success in changing your habits, losing weight, reclaiming your health, and enjoying more vitality with the help of Primal and/or keto living—and that I’m offering a giveaway to sweeten the pot: a year’s supply of PRIMAL KITCHEN® Starter Keto Kits.

Tonight is the submission deadline! (While you can always submit a success story, we’re closing the giveaway this evening February 16, 2018, at midnight PST. Remember, anyone in the world can enter. Additionally, everyone who has submitted a Success Story to Mark’s Daily Apple in the past is free to submit an updated story and new photos.

Just submit your story along with pictures. Please use the subject heading “My Primal Story.” Otherwise, there’s a good chance we might miss it.

For more info on success story guidelines and giveaway rules, check out the previous post, and for inspiration to write your own story, you can read past Success Stories here.

I’ve got another amazing success story coming up this morning, so stay tuned.

The post Last Call For the Success Story Giveaway! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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