Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Introducing Accidental Paleo: A Grain-Free, Meat-Free, Hassle-Free Cookbook!

Inline_Accidental_PaleoToday I’m excited to introduce a book that breaks new ground at Primal Publishing. It’s a book whose time has come and reflects the growing expansion and diversity of the Primal movement: Accidental Paleo. Malibu’s own Lauren Lobley—a chef, caterer and private nutrition coach as well as host of the Delectable You YouTube show—runs with the truth that you can be a vegetarian and still adhere to Primal/paleo principles. Accidental Paleo is full of colorful, nutritious and creative recipes that are whole-food, meat-free, grain-free, and hassle-free. Whether you’re a Primal-minded vegetarian or a traditional Primal eater, the amazing recipes and food preparation tips of Accidental Paleo offers serious kitchen inspiration and solid Primal nutrition.

Lauren’s inspiration for this book came out of her own journey from sugar addict to healthy eater, a journey that didn’t involve meat. Many of her private nutrition consultation/catering clients expressed a similar desire to tone down the grains and sugars that promote excess insulin production without jumping into the steak and bacon scene.

Oftentimes, narrowing down one’s eating options to exclude grains and sugars as well as animal products can be a recipe for failure—many well-intentioned people just can’t deal with that level of restriction. You can only nibble on nuts and eat piles of steamed vegetables for so long before your eating routine becomes bland and boring. In Lauren’s case, her passion for cooking was the catalyst for a successful long-term dietary transformation.

Veggie Curry

This book will awaken you to the amazing versatility and endless possibilities of vegetable-centered meals. Even if you are a big fan of meat like me, this book will become a unique and indispensable addition to your recipe collections. Now that I spend a good deal of time eating with keto adaptation in mind, I actually do more with low carb vegetables, and Accidental Paleo has been an excellent inspiration for keeping things fresh. And my penchant for salads? I’ve loved the inspiration from ten different salad recipes—everything from Grilled Veggie Salad with Pesto to Kale Salad with Spicy Almond Dressing.

But salads are only the beginning. Accidental Paleo shows how meatless main meals and tempting sides can satisfy both a taste for rich flavors and Primal nutrient requirements. With recipes like Spinach-Artichoke Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms and Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers, it’s a feast for even carnivores can enjoy. (Note: Be sure to try the Dark Chocolate Raspberry Bars for dessert.) Simply put, this is the best of vegetarian eating on all counts. And as more people in the Primal/paleo realm embrace the benefits of plant-based meals—whether or not they include meat in their overall diet—Accidental Paleo is a fantastic resource for expanding Primal and paleo cooking and for enjoying great Primal-focused nutrition.


Now For the Deal…

Buy Accidental Paleo today on PrimalBlueprint.com, and I’ll throw in a FREE bottle of our brand new Primal Kitchen® Italian Vinaigrette. The latest addition to the Primal Kitchen dressing family is filled with fresh organic ingredients including thyme, basil, oregano, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, and sea salt. High in monounsaturated fats and infused with avocado oil, this plant-based dressing is the perfect complement to antipastos, fresh veggies, meat and fish marinades, and decadent salads. I think our Italian Vinaigrette and Lauren’s Cobley’s Accidental Paleo are the perfect pairing for delicious, plant-based Primal inspiration.

This deal only lasts through February 20, 2018, midnight PST, so don’t wait. Use code NEWITALIAN at checkout. Enjoy, everyone!



The post Introducing Accidental Paleo: A Grain-Free, Meat-Free, Hassle-Free Cookbook! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2E9D7mJ

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