Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Primal Challenge: Forget the “Best” Workouts

Inline_Fitness_Live-Awesome-645x445-02It’s one of the biggest mistakes people who are looking to reboot their health make—and one of the most common reasons so many are already dropping their New Year fitness goals. Anyone seeing the gyms clearing out yet? The optimist in me wishes they’ve simply found other pursuits outside the gym that interest them more—at home or in leagues or other venues. Experience, however, suggests differently.

“Pursue the challenges that turn you on instead of worrying about what the magazines say is the ‘best’ workout, or the marketing hype that glorifies extreme events.”  — The New Primal Blueprint, pg. 316

For more on finding your own fitness passions and creating an active lifestyle that fits your life, check out some of my past posts on the subject:

“How to Personalize Primal Blueprint Fitness”

“What Is Your Inner Athlete?”

The post Primal Challenge: Forget the “Best” Workouts appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2C1bxWW

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