Wednesday, February 14, 2018

3 Great Ways To Enjoy Valentine's Day as a Single

By Kanisha Parks

Whoever said that Valentine’s Day is just for couples should really have several seats! While Valentine’s Day has an interesting history rooted in romantic ideals, it isn’t meant to be celebrated by couples alone, but to show love to the important people in your life. You remember giving Valentine’s Day cards to all of your classmates as a kid, right? That tradition is still continuing now, so why is that when we grow up, we think we need a “boo” in order to participate? Girl, before you prepare to stay in and rock yourself to sleep while watching romantic comedies in your PJ’s, here are a few ways you can actually enjoy Valentine’s Day, even in your singlehood!


1. Do something special for your family!

In my family, we’ve always done something for each other on Valentine’s Day. I have four sisters and even though we are all grown, we still give each other gifts on V-Day! It’s not everyone’s cup of tea to make what seems like a romance-driven holiday about family, but you’d be surprised how good it feels to just show love to the ones that are close to you on this day. Plus, if you have children, giving them something on Valentine’s Day is another way of reinforcing the fact that they don’t have to look for love because they already have it from you!

Anybody can pick up a card and some chocolates from WalMart and throw a generic “I love you” on top. Instead, try to go out of your way to do something extra special, like baking when you never cook, or planning a fun family activity when you typically stay in. You’d be surprised how good it makes you feel to do something special for someone else.

2. Go out with your friends!
Chances are you aren’t the only one of your friends who’s single and sis, there’s no way you’re about to be out here third wheelin’ it on Valentine’s Day. So make it a Galentine’s Day! Link up with some of your other single friends and instead of having a group pity party, be thankful that even though you’re single, you’re not alone. You can do a gift exchange, Secret-Santa style, so that everyone gets something, regardless of whether they’re in a relationship or not.

Even if your friends aren’t single, you can still plan to have a good time if they’re up for it. If you can’t get together during the week, there’s always the weekend (and Black Panther comes out Friday, so you definitely have at least one thing to look forward to!)

3. Treat yo’self!

Valentine’s Day really is just about love, and first and foremost you must love yourself! There is absolutely nothing wrong with making this day all about you—maybe a spa day or cheating on that diet you’ve been so dedicated to lately. You work hard and you deserve a break! So what if you don’t have a significant other? You are significant enough as you are and what better time than Valentine’s Day for you to show yourself the love and appreciation that you deserve?! Now sis, you don’t have to break the bank, but there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun. Make a list of all of the things you love about yourself and why! Have a mini stay-cation and spend a day exploring your town. Drop some bath bombs and take a long, luxurious bath. Take a spin class! Binge watch your favorite show that you keep missing because you work so hard. Or unplug for a while and stay off your phone for a few hours. Girl, eat some ice cream (or gelato). Go get your hair done and maybe even do something different with your style this time! Do a little shopping and take advantage of those Valentine’s Day deals! In other words, you don’t need anybody else in order to celebrate and love yourself.

So stop thinking that Valentine’s Day is just for couples because it’s not! You are the one who makes Valentine’s Day what it is (or isn’t).

What are your plans this Valentine's Day?
Kanisha is a Christian writer/author based in Augusta, GA. Other than, she has also written for BlackNaps.organd Devozine, and has authored a book of poetry entitled, "Love Letters from the Master." Kanisha can be contacted for business inquiries at

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