Wednesday, February 21, 2018

50 Shades of Shape: How Nicole Murphy & Cynthia Bailey Stay Fit at 50!

Image result for nicole murphy working out
Nicole Murphy
By Brenda Alexander

When I saw the picture of Nicole Murphy stepping into her 50h birthday party with a bedazzled catsuit and matching bustier, her boobs lifted, ass sitting high, coca cola shaped figure and Halle Berry inspired short cut I gagged. To make matters worse, she had the audacity to twerk and dip it low while Beyonce’s Drunk In Love serenaded her in the background. I prayed to God that if that’s not what I will look like going into my 50th birthday, feel free to take me out early.

I did a quick google search of black celebs in their 50s and found that gorgeous, high-cheekboned Cynthia Bailey of RHOA is slaying with her #50Cynt movement. After researching how they are keeping their bodies young, I wanted to share a few tips that can help you get on the right track.

Nicole Murphy Fitness

Nicole Murphy has a wellness website and YouTube channel with diet and exercise tips and tutorials. Nicole Murphy Fitness gives subscribers easy and quick ways to get and stay fit. She incorporates a variety of exercises into her routine to stay active and keep things fun and fresh. In addition to sweating it out in the gym, she encourages trying things like yoga, circuit training, weight training, cycling and kickboxing to give your body a well rounded experience.

Cynthia Bailey prefers more creative methods of working out, as like most, exercising is not her favorite pastime. Outdoor workouts that include walks and runs around the park is more her speed and she is also really into yoga. More importantly, she is most interested in the spiritual workout. She told Blushing in Hollywood that meditating is what keeps her in tact and grounded in her health. She tries to start her day with 30 minutes of meditation.

Cynthia Bailey
Both Murphy and Bailey work with a nutritionist. Their diet consists of a balance of protein, fruits vegetables and water, with an emphasis on portion control. They both steer away from fried foods and opt for foods that are baked, steamed and grilled. Bailey insists that it’s important to not deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy, telling People Magazine, “I don’t deprive myself of anything that I have a craving for because I won’t stop thinking about it until I eat it already, and move on.”

Murphy indulges in the same. She loves burgers, pizzas and fries just like any other girl but balances it out by blending the sin foods with green and leafy veggies to make them dense in nutrients. So instead of a beef burger with bacon and cheddar, Murphy may eat a turkey burger with lettuce, onion, mushroom and tomato with wheat bread. Sounds good to me!

As you can see, diet and exercise aren’t the worst! Let’s train our bodies now so we aren't trying to catch up at 50. The great thing about today is we have an advantage: the internet. Gone are the days when you have to actually spend money on a trainer or nutritionist. YouTube is your trainer and Google can be your nutritionist. Now werk!

How do you stay fit?

Brenda is a Philadelphia native with a love for Marketing, Creative writing, wine and Jesus. Her work has been featured on Mayvenn’s Real Beautiful blog and she is the co-author of the book Christmas 364: Be Merry and Bright Beyond Christmas Night (available for purchase on amazon). Follow her on IG @trulybrenda_ and

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