Monday, February 5, 2018

Primal Reflection: Make a Transition Plan

Inline_Live-Awesome-645x445-03Having turned the calendar to February, it’s a good time to take stock. How did January go—and what do you want February to look like? What successful changes are you bringing away from the first month of 2018? More energy? A renewed optimism about your health? A new waist measurement? A more impressive mile time or VO2 max? A heftier deadlift max? Better sleep? Better confidence?

I hope you’ll share your successes (and your stumbling blocks) along the way. What worked for you? What didn’t? Did you follow the Action Items? What was most instrumental in the successes you experienced? And how will you carry it all over into this month? What will you do differently? What new supports will help you move through this next phase? No matter how dramatic or mixed the results, there’s so much to be gained from revisiting the overall venture. Reflection is an essential part of the process.


The post Primal Reflection: Make a Transition Plan appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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