Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Primal Starter: Retrospective Truths

Inline_Live-Awesome-645x445-03The fact is, life teaches us. I’m not talking just about the collection of data—more information gathered, more studies skimmed. I mean the self-knowledge acquired, sometimes through hard-won means as well as the priorities that have come into focus over time. It’s often about the lessons learned through a variety of epic mistakes and frustrating dead-ends. Beyond the neat world of “good life” theory exists the full dimensional backdrop of living feedback.

Still, I wonder what it would mean if we could take certain viewpoints on faith earlier in our lives. Maybe we do once in a while. While you think on how that’s worked in your own life, let me throw out a few pieces of retrospective truths I’ve found or friends and clients have shared over the years.

  • Let yourself rest more. Seriously, there’s plenty of time.
  • Find something you really love to do as a way to move every day. Make it something you look forward to – a want rather than a should.
  • Learn to cook. No, really. Learn to enjoy it. Enjoy experimenting with it. Value your time in the kitchen in a way the culture doesn’t encourage as much anymore. You’ll be healthier for it – and a kick@$$ host.
  • Pretty much 90% of what you’re stressing about will mean nothing in ten years – most of it nothing in 10 days. Learn to let it go.
  • Play more. But don’t make it an official, planned, self-conscious exploit: “Hey, I’m going to play now!” Just stop taking your life so seriously. Look for ways you can make everyday life more in the spirit of play – exercise, parenting, work, cooking, etc. Loosen up and embrace your inner fool.
  • Tithe your time – to yourself, to your own joy.
  • Look for a job that doesn’t take all your time and energy. Think about the conditions that will make or break your happiness here: long commute – no, long vacation time – yes.
  • Meditate – not because it’s supposed to be “good” for your health as you get older but because it will help you enjoy your life more exactly where you’re at.
  • Don’t think of health in terms of components – like add-ons you can incorporate one after the other. Give up the divisions in your life. Live from a healthy center, and make everything else – all your other – choices reflect that value.

What are yours to share? And to read more this morning, check out “What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?”

The post Primal Starter: Retrospective Truths appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2EGN4rR

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