Thursday, February 15, 2018

Primal Starter: Embracing Keto As Evolutionary Default

Inline_Food_Nutrition_Live-Awesome-645x445-01“Right now, skeptics are looking at keto and calling it the latest fad diet that will likely fade over time. From an evolutionary perspective, this observation is objectionable. Robb Wolf, former research biochemist and author of the bestselling The Paleo Solution and Wired to Eat, makes the observation that keto is very likely the default Homo sapiens factory setting. This is because a steady supply of food—especially a high-carbohydrate load—was not part of our experience until civilized times. At the same time, the complex and rapidly evolving human brain desperately needed a massive percentage of our daily calories (20-25 percent) in the form of glucose or the glucose-like substitute of ketones. If we didn’t evolve to make ketones, we would have been forced to resort to the highly inefficient process of gluconeogenesis every time our brains ran short of fuel. Stripping down lean muscle to fuel brain function is no fun when you trigger fight-or-flight reactions during the afternoon blues, but it’s really no fun when you are starving with no guarantee of your next meal.”

From The Keto Reset Diet



The post Primal Starter: Embracing Keto As Evolutionary Default appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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