Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blues Rhythm Guitar – Chords and Riffs

Comment on All Articles This Week for a Chance to Win 2 Body Scrubs by GlamBody!

Glam Body Coffee Scrubs
Hey Ladies,
We decided to bump up your hump day with another giveaway! This time, we want to make sure you're treating your body right so we're giving 5 lucky winners both a Mandarin & Coconut Coffee body scrub by GlamBody! All you have to do is comment on ALL articles this week in the comment section on this site!


Glam_Bod IG
Glam Body is a vegan and organic coffee scrub that fights eczema, stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite originated in the Ivory Coast, West Africa

Bonnet Chronicles via the Glam_Bod IG!

Comment on ALL articles on this site, this week, for a chance to win both a Mandarin and Coconut Coffee Body Scrub! 5 winners will be announced next week so be sure to check back...Good Luck! 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Jazz Guitar Scales For The Minor Blues

How Bad Are Peanuts, Really?

Peanut allergy conceptFor years, the ancestral health community has shunned the humble peanut. I did so myself in fact. “Why can’t I have peanuts?”a person would ask. “Because they’re legumes,” would be the standard answer. And that was that. The status of legumes was sacrosanct in paleo world. Case closed. In recent years, however, our stance on legumes has softened.

The lectins and phytic acid we worry about, it turns out, are mostly deactivated by heat and proper preparation. A bit of phytic acid can even be a good thing, provided you have the gut bacteria necessary to convert it into beneficial micronutrients. All in all, legumes turn out to be a relatively nutrient-dense source of resistant starch and other prebiotic fibers. If you can swing the carbs and you feel fine eating them, legumes are on the table.

Peanuts are the most popular legume. It’s not quite a staple source of calories in most people’s diets—many populations eat quite a few beans and lentils of various sorts—but nothing seems to capture hearts and minds like a large dollop of peanut butter. At least in this country, peanut butter has a cultural status that touches off nostalgia. And let’s be honest, too, peanuts and peanut butter also has a budgetary draw for many people. It’s generally cheaper than other nuts.

I thought I’d revisit the idea of peanut consumption in the context of a Primal way of eating. Does it fit? Does it hurt? What are we to make of the peanut?

If you’re still hesitant about the “legume thing,” go back and revisit the legume post I wrote a couple years ago. You should come away with a greater respect for the legume, and maybe more consideration for its inclusion in your diet.

As for the peanut, it’s a good source of micronutrients like niacin, folate, thiamin, magnesium, and manganese. It contains complete protein replete with all the essential amino acids, although I wouldn’t recommend that you rely on peanuts for your protein (it’s just a nice bonus). The predominant fatty acid is monounsaturated, though there is a fair bit of polyunsaturated fat as well. All in all, the peanut is a standard example of a whole food. Not incredibly nutrient-dense, not nutrient-poor.

Peanuts do seem to have a curious (and beneficial) relationship with gut bacteria and gut health in general.

Spiking peanut butter with probiotics helps those probiotics survive passage through the gut. A case for adding peanut butter to your kefir smoothie?

Peanut kernel flour (the part of the peanut that you eat) promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and reduces the ability of pathogens to invade host cells.

Peanut skins contain polyphenols which are not absorbed but interact with the gut to improve elevated blood lipids.

What about aflatoxins?

As a groundnut—a “nut” that grows in the ground, rather than on trees—peanuts are exposed to a lot more soil-based fungus than many other foods which typically only see it during storage. One of the fungi they encounter produces a mycotoxin called aflatoxin. During storage, which tend to be in the warmer, more humid climates amenable to peanut production, aflatoxin levels rise even further.

Aflatoxin is metabolized by the liver. Large enough doses of aflatoxin are a liver carcinogen in high doses (it’s actually what T. Colin Campbell used to induce liver cancer in mice during his China Study crusade to indict animal protein). In China, a study of people from different villages in a region known for liver cancer found positive correlations between theamount of aflatoxin ingested and liver cancer mortality rates. Those villagers who ingested less aflatoxin from peanuts, peanut oil, and corn were less likely to develop liver cancer; those who ingested more were more likely. However, hepatitis B rates were also elevated in this population, and hepatitis B and aflatoxin synergistically increase the risk of liver cancer. If you don’t have hep B and don’t eat peanuts as a staple source of calories, the risk of aflatoxin drops.

If you’re worried about aflatoxins:

What about peanut agglutinin, that plucky lectin? It’s resistant to heat, unlike most lectins. It survives digestion and ends up passing through into your bloodstream. And this has been tested in live humans, not just animals or isolated cells.

In isolated colon cancer lines, peanut agglutinin stimulates the growth of tumors. Peanut agglutinin also mimics the action of a known promoter of cancer metastasis (spreading to other tissues). Metastasis is what kills most cancer patients.

In both cases, peanut agglutinin looks problematic in the context of existing cancer. It does not appear to promote the development of cancer.

Peanut agglutinin (via peanut oil) also promotes atherosclerosis in animal models.

Looking at the broader picture, peanut consumption correlates with good health. The people who eat the most peanuts have a lower risk of various cancers, including colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer (in a high-risk area of China, no less), and pancreatic cancer in men, as well as all-cause mortality and mortality from heart disease. This isn’t proof that they’re good for us, of course, or “anti-cancer,” but it is a strike against the idea that peanut agglutinin is a wholly toxic cancer-and-heart-disease promoter. If the effect was that powerful, it would probably show up in population studies.

It’s fun to get in the weeds on these topics. Just beware of basing your opinions or diets on the effect of food components in isolated cancer cells under specific contexts. Read, don’t commit. Integrate with broader population studies to get a better picture of what’s going on.

The totality of evidence suggests that peanuts are fine for most people to consume in moderation.

Salty peanut butter smeared over a banana? A fantastic post-drinking snack for replenishing lost sodium and potassium. Keep it keto by using a green banana.

Spoonful of peanut butter right out of the jar? Just don’t let it turn into five spoonfuls.

But the absolute best way I’ve found to consume peanuts is to blend them with tigernut flour, sea salt, and a touch of honey using a food processor, roll the mixture into balls, and pop them in the freezer.

A few brands I’ve enjoyed: Santa Cruz Organic Dark Roasted Creamy Peanut Butter and Thrive Market brand Organic Creamy Peanut Butter. For anyone who’s looking for the peanut taste but would prefer a nut butter that’s a blend rather than solely peanut-based, check out Nuttzo Organic Crunchy Peanut Pro.

Oh, and when going for actual peanuts, get dry roasted peanuts. Whenever you see a nut that’s been “roasted” in oil, that’s basically a deep-fried nut. Couple that with the fact that most roasting oils are fragile seed oils high in omega-6 and you’ve got an unhealthy snack on your hands. Dry roasting solves this. The texture of a dry-roasted peanut is even better. I don’t want that crispy glazed exterior of a fried nut. I want my nuts toasty.

That’s it for today, folks. One of the worker bees has a peanut recipe coming your way on Saturday, but in the meantime, check out today’s PB&J Smoothie from the Primal Kitchen® blog if you’ve already got a craving. Finally, be sure to share your comments, questions, and concerns about peanut consumption down below. Thanks for reading!

The post How Bad Are Peanuts, Really? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

This Teen's Subscription Box is Boosting Self-esteem in Young Black Girls!

Midweek Quick Cooking: PB&J Smoothie (and a Contest)

Inline_Smoothies_0005_Starberry_Smoothie_Blog_02_2048xPeanut butter and jelly: it’s doesn’t get much more quintessential kid-friendly than that. Most of us didn’t exactly grow up Primal, and while these days we make better choices for our health, there’s something about the tastes of our childhood memories that will always appeal. So, what if you could have those memories and eat them too—sans guilt? Our Primal Kitchen® team whipped up this healthy, low-carb smoothie inspired by bestselling author and celebrity health coach, Kelly LeVeque, and it’s been a hit here (and at home with the kids). Let us know what you think.



  • Add all the ingredients into the blender.
  • Mix until smooth.
  • Enjoy!

And be sure to check out the Fab4Smoothie Giveaway to win everything you need to make your own favorite Fab4Smoothie, including Primal Kitchen Collagen products, Mamma Chia chia seeds, Once Upon a Farm organic baby food packets, a signed copy of Kelly LeVeque’s bestselling book Body Love, and more!


The post Midweek Quick Cooking: PB&J Smoothie (and a Contest) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

The Best Organic Hair Dyes

When dyeing your hair, it is always a risk. Not just a risk that you may not like the color, but a risk that your hair might take on some damage. Most dyes have harmful properties that can dry out and damage strands which is why more and more naturalistas are turning to gentler products such as certified organic dyes using natural ingredients. Here are some of the best organic hair dyes on the market to keep your curls happy and healthy!

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1. Shea Moisture 
It would be impossible to talk about the best organic hair dyes without bringing up Shea Moisture. They are not only organic, they are free of a bunch of other bad stuff you don’t want like parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, mineral oil, and DEA. They offer products that use natural ingredients such as acai, flaxseed, and soy proteins to leave hair not only vibrant with color, but moisturized and strong. They have several colors to choose from so your can find the perfect look for your preference.

2. Lush Hair Dye Bars
When thinking about the best organic hair dyes, this one might not be on your radar, but it should be. Using Fair Trade organic ingredients, these bars are a natural way to revive your color while locking in some moisture. They are made with nourishing ingredients like cocoa butter, red henna, coffee extract, and nettle powder. These elements help to color hair while also providing a gentle, safe option that is good for your scalp. Lush bars are available in different colors ranging from a chestnut hue to a glossy red.

3. Original Mineral 
When looking for a salon option instead of an at-home option, ask your hairdresser about Original Mineral. This brand was one of the first to offer options that were ammonia, resorcinol and PPD free for permanent hair color. They have been challenging the beauty industry and fashion scene for years with their belief that hair color can be vibrant without the use of harmful chemicals. With full gray coverage without drying out hair, they have fashion tones as well as more natural tones.

4. Oway Hair Color 
Another option for salon color, this brand uses handpicked botanicals from Italy to create their blends. Free from ammonia, the colors are vibrant without drying out hair. Using plant butters as the base, these colors will leave hair moisturized and healthier than before you colored! Ask your stylist about this brand for your hair color needs.

Coloring your hair shouldn’t be scary. With these natural, organic hair dyes, get the color you want without worry!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Slow Moving Training: Yoga

Inline_YogaI like intensity when I train. Lifting heavy, running sprints, playing Ultimate Frisbee. I keep it brief, and the foundation is always a lot of slow movement throughout the day—easy runs, long walks or hikes, rarely sitting—but I go hard when I “work out.”

What if you were to go slow, on purpose?

Entire schools of physical culture are founded upon slow, deliberate movements. They squash momentum and lambast rapidity. They’re difficult in a different way. They require patience and fortitude.

Take yoga.

Yoga is a loaded word. It’s at once religious practice, spiritual tradition, a way of honing mind, body, and spirit. It’s diet, medicine, meditation. The history of yoga is hard to parse; different sources give different historical timelines. What’s obvious is that there’s no “one yoga.” So, what I’ll talk about is how most of us reading typically conceive of it: Stretching with a spiritual veneer.

This is probably the most common form of slow physical training practiced worldwide. My wife’s done it for decades, and I’ve joined in on more than a few classes with her. It’s not my favorite thing—I don’t seek it out on a regular basis—but it is a great workout, and I always come away in a different headspace than when I started. The benefits of yoga are pretty well-established:

Yoga and Flexibility

As a series of poses and stretches that test and extend your joints’ range of motions, yoga should improve flexibility. That’s one of its express purposes. Sure enough, in almost every population, it seems to work.

It improves the flexibility and balance of college athletes and elderly adults. In older women and injured industrial workers, it improves hamstring flexibility and spinal mobility.

Yoga for Older Adults

Being slow-paced, deliberate, and controlled makes yoga very effective for older adults (or beginners to physical training) who are unsure of their abilities and want to improve their physical (and mental) faculties.

A 12-week Thai yoga program helped older adults improve their ability across a range of basic physical functions, including back scratching, standing up from chairs, sit and stretch, and the 8 foot up and go test.

An 8-week Hatha yoga program helped older adults improve single leg balance, chair standing, back scratching, flexibility, and 8 foot up and go just as well as an 8-week strength and stretching program using machines. A later study found that the same yoga program improved executive function, including working memory and mental flexibility, in the same group of adults. A third study found that the yoga program improved cognitive function by reducing stress levels. Boy, that’s a lucky group of seniors.

Yoga and the Brain

Like most every other physical training methodology ever studied, yoga improves cognitive function. We see this across a range of populations, but especially in older folks at the greatest risk of cognitive dysfunction.

Compared to walking, yoga decreases anxiety, increases well-being, and boosts GABA concentrations in the hypothalamus. This is incredibly cool. Everyone knows that exercise is often the ideal antidote to anxiety and depression. It works, its side effects are beneficial, and it requires no prescription. But this was one of the first studies to show a correlation between increased GABA from physical activity and reduced anxiety levels.

Yoga and Stress

Any type of exercise will reduce stress, as long as you avoid overtraining. Yoga is no different and seems to have particularly potent effects.

Pregnant women who followed a yoga program saw reduced perceived stress and improved heart rate variability (an objective indication of increased resilience to stress).

After doing a yoga-based guided relaxation, people with baseline elevations in sympathetic nervous system activity—who were already stressed out—saw those level off. Those who weren’t stressed didn’t. This is important because it shows yoga is more of an adaptogen, helping you normalize stress levels only if they need normalizing.

In a group of people awaiting organ transplantations (which has got to be a trying experience), doing laughter yoga (laughter+stretching) improved heart rate variability and mood in both the short and long-term.

Yoga and Strength

Believe it or not, yoga can increase strength. Part of strength, after all, is the ability to get into full range of motion. If you’re strong only through a small range of motion, is that really strength?

Yoga also increases muscular endurance. Again, this isn’t absolute strength, but it’s a component of muscular capacity that enables the expression of strength.

I wouldn’t rely on yoga for your strength. Instead, treat it as a complement to your strength training.

Yoga and Various Diseases

Given yoga’s reputation as a “healing art,” many studies have looked into yoga for the treatment of various diseases. Unfortunately, most of the studies have been inconclusive or come up with negative results (doesn’t work, doesn’t hurt), like with schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, asthma. At the least, it probably won’t hurt, but you shouldn’t rely on it in lieu of real treatment.

It looks promising for a few, though: depression (as an adjunct), breast cancer (not as a cure, but for anxiety, quality of life, and certain symptoms), type 2 diabetes (by improving metabolic health), Parkinson’s (pilot study showing improvements in strength and function)

That said, studies don’t indicate that yoga offers anything above and beyond other types of training for these diseases. Still, there might be more to this picture—at least from an anecdotal perspective.

Is Yoga Safe?

It goes without saying that anything worth anything carries a bit of risk. Driving to work (or the gym) risks a car accident. Falling in love risks heartbreak. Going into business for yourself risks failure. And training risks injuries.

Yoga is no different. Things happen. You go too far past your joint’s capacity, and pull something, end up sore for weeks. You lose too much water and electrolytes during the hot yoga session, and feel lightheaded on the drive home. You’re swept away by a charismatic yogi, wind up a member of his harem wearing black and white Nikes. We’ve all been there.

Luckily, studies show that yoga is as safe as “usual care” and other types of exercise. There’s quibbling there, to be sure. Yoga is probably safer than free climbing and boxing.

Still, I’d question becoming a “yoga person,” though. I know I probably have several dozen reading right now, and I love you. But don’t assume yoga covers all your physical bases. I’m not fully convinced that yoga is enough for total fitness and optimum strength. A day or two a week on top of some lifting, sprinting? Great. I bet most strength athletes could use a little yoga, even, if they aren’t doing mobility training already.

Yoga has a lot of intangible benefits, too, effects that studies don’t really capture very well.

  • It forces flow. This is one of the great features of exercise, one that goes unreported and ignored. The physical effects training has on your body composition, your muscles, your cardiovascular system, your capacity to interact with the world with force and skill are all extremely important. But when you’re fully engaged in a physical activity, when data is flowing through your neuromuscular pathways, when you can do nothing but immerse your entire being in the movement, you reside in the flow state. No brain hacks, gadgets, or supplements required. And although I’m not that experienced with yoga, whenever I’ve done it I’ve noticed myself slipping into that state without even trying. Actually, I notice it after the class, because during the class you’re fully engaged and not thinking about thinking.
  • It trains grit. Most studies show that you can’t teach grit—or stick-to-it-iveness—and that it’s mostly hereditary. I buy that, but I think yoga is different. Yoga is very uncomfortable, and you must hold the holds for sometimes minutes at a time. That requires tolerance of discomfort. Some of it is that yoga selects for individuals who can tolerate extreme discomfort. Even if that’s the case, yoga will certainly hone your existing grit.
  • It’s more than stretching. A typical yoga class will incorporate not just the physical act of contorting your body, holding poses. It also emphasizes the importance of breath, and of integrating your breath with your movement. This focus on breath turns the session into a de-facto meditation. Many classes even end with a full-on guided meditation. Yoga is a nice package deal for people who otherwise wouldn’t incorporate these things into their lives.

Join a class.

Historically, yoga was a taught discipline. You didn’t grab a wax tablet of poses and slink off to the jungle to learn yoga by yourself. You sought the tutelage of a master. Things are different now. There are effective and helpful videos explaining how to do specific poses and follow routines. These are extremely helpful, but I don’t think they’re a good replacement for a good teacher.


If you’re dedicated, you can get the same effect watching yoga Youtube videos with your cat, but it’s easy to check out when things get too hard. You might grab your phone to browse Instagram in between poses. You might cut things short because it’s uncomfortable and no one’s counting on you finishing. It’s different than strength training at a home gym because the routines are so uncomfortable and last so long. Mustering the will to do a set of heavy deadlifts is manageable for many. Mustering the will to hold a difficult pose for two minutes is not. A teacher (or class) takes willpower out of the equation. As long you get yourself to class, the rest falls into place. 

After today’s post, I hope you’ll consider trying a yoga class. I know I’ll probably join Carrie more often. The literature is compelling and hard to ignore. But in the end, you just have to see for yourself.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.

I know I have some yoga experts reading this. I know there are many different types of yoga. I’d love to hear from you. What’s your favorite type? Let loose your questions, advice, comments. I’d love to hear your perspective.


The post Slow Moving Training: Yoga appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Green light: Would You Let Your Partner Record Your Intimate Moments?

Teyana Taylor & Iman Shumpert
By Brenda Alexander 

Another day, another “leaked” sex tape.
Clips are “leaked” weekly, spread across social media, black twitter rates the performance, Lisa Bloom is hired as legal counsel and conversations of revenge porn are had across the country. I’m so over this cycle. I’m anticipating a new hashtag and for the annual Slut Walk to kick off a little earlier this year with self-proclaimed feminists in an uproar using their first amendment rights shouting to the mountaintops about how women can do whatever they choose to with whom they choose with their bodies; even as far as having their sexual escapades recorded with (or sometimes without) their permission. And guess what, that’s true. Women can grab their sexuality by their clits and own it. However, there are two things you are not in control of my loves: technology and other people. So why are women still making sex tapes?


Image result for teyana taylor fade shower gif

In conversations with friends, it was interesting to find out from their perspectives whether or not making a tape in today’s society is logical. With my friends being in different phases of relationships, answers varied, but the common theme seems to be that if a tape was made, they’d guard it like a Red Nose Pit.

One of my married friends is not opposed to making a tape with her husband.
“I’ve never made one but I don’t see anything wrong with it. My husband would guard it with his life so I don’t fear it getting out.” 
More specifically, a married couple doing something like this may have a less potential disastrous outcome. I would think that when you are married, a husband would indeed take a certain level of protection versus a boyfriend and girlfriend situation. Not that being unmarried should change the outcome, but many married couples find an act like that to be more sacred, even in lieu of a divorce because more is at stake.

Another friend who hasn’t recorded his private moments with his partner is not opposed but is more hesitant to do so because of the possibility that a partner could (unfortunately) use it as bait.
“We are too in the moment and enjoying one another to stop and bring a camera in and it’s never been a thought to do so. I would only make one to critique ourselves and delete it immediately. But I am also leery because people can be spiteful so whether we recorded one or not, I would have to be in control.”
The debate about whether or not to make a sex tape can get heated because as stated, what you do with your partner is your business. But, my scary ass is always cognizant of the fact that in 2018, one wrong click or pressing a person’s buttons can lead to your goodies spread all across the net. A close friend of mine has the same sentiments stating:
“I have never made a tape but I have sent nudes (without my face) to a partner. I never worried about them becoming public until a bad breakup. My ex loved to hit below the belt in arguments when we were together and was sheisty after we broke up so that was a major fear, even though I deleted all photos and he promised he’d done the same. My fear was heightened after my cousin’s ex emailed her nude photos to her parents when they broke up. After experiencing all of that, I highly doubt I would make a tape with anyone. The less that’s out there, the better.”
I personally don’t care what people decide to do in the privacy of their homes or beds. Some feel it adds spice, others for fun. Regardless, the most important thing is to take extreme cautionary measures if you decide to star in your own video. So ladies, if you've done it in the past, be grateful it hasn't gotten out. If you’ve experienced a leak or you’re naturally panicked to do a video because you’re scared it will somehow be the next big IG search, the next time you or your partner decide to press record, maybe you should PAUSE.

Would you let your partner video tape your intimate moments?
Brenda is a Philadelphia native with a love for Marketing, Creative writing, wine and Jesus. Her work has been featured on Mayvenn’s Real Beautiful blog and she is the co-author of the book Christmas 364: Be Merry and Bright Beyond Christmas Night (available for purchase on amazon). Follow her on IG @trulybrenda_ and

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Tell It Tuesday: Between a Rock & a Hard Place? Here's How to Get Away!

20th anniversary of Lenny Kravitz's hit 'Fly Away' 
By Ta-ning Connai

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of a song that broke down barriers between Rock and R&B simply by coining a popular lyric we've all sang at least once or twice in our lives. Lenny Kravitz is the King of Cool and when he brazenly strung his guitar while chanting “I want to get away” back in 1998, he had no idea that both Headbangers and Hip-Hop Heads alike would give homage to the words from Fly Away in over 50+ songs (whew, I literally got tired of counting). And in 2010, he even stumbled upon the Voices of Praise Choir belting out a churchy version on the streets of New Orleans! No, he didn't exactly invent the term, but he sure as heck made it his own. Lenny, you da man!

What about you? Ever feel like getting away? No, I don't mean like a vacay getaway, although that would be nice. I'm talking about getting away from the things that hold you hostage. If I'm talking to you, just keep on listening, I wanna help you solve that problem...

Have you ever been "between a rock and a hard place?" Oooh chiiiile, I know I sure have! And whenever I think of that well-known expression, the well-known story of Moses and the Red Sea always comes to mind.

When Moses and his enslaved people were given the miraculous news that freedom had finally arrived, they were greeted with an insurmountable obstacle that literally took their breath away. With their ferocious captors chasing behind them and the Red Sea violently tossing before them, it's an understatement to say they were in a jam. Death surrounded them on either side and it was nearly impossible to decide which would be the most painless surrender. It's like choosing between being hung or drowned, being shot or stabbed, falling off of a cliff or breaking a bungee cord! Sorry to be so graphic, but you get my point. And I'm sure we can all agree, all these options suck BIG TIME. Yet there they stood, paralyzed with fear, facing what looked like doom and gloom.

Now here's the confusing part...since God is the one who gave them the ok AND the directions for their Exodus (departure), didn't He know there was a roadblock up ahead??? How in the world were they going to get out of this alive? Well, in Exodus 14 :13, check out what Moses had to say in response to their mass hysteria...

“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians (enemies/obstacles) whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” - Exodus 14: 14-15. Enough said! So they went in the direction of The Promised Land with God's promise in hand.

Egypt was a type and shadow of a tremendous burden that the Israelites had to overcome. Many of them were born into hardship, and had never experienced independence before, let alone had to fight for it. Their mindset was of such that slavery had its perks, while freedom had its struggles and uncertainties. As you can see, it was more than literal chains that had to be broken off of this pitiful little bunch. And that's why God put them between a rock and a hard place. It forced them to trust in Him. His final word of encouragement helped them to KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Now, because of their demonstration of faith, God was willing to perform the greatest miracle ever recorded...the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14: 21-22).

Sometimes God allows hurdles, haters, bum deals, bad news, problems and even pain to thrust us out of our comfort zone and into the place where He wants us to thrive. The Israelites had to be chased out of Egypt in order for them to get up and go. You'd think they'd be happy to be free, to live in their own land, to provide for themselves. But how many of us stayed "enslaved" even though there were no literal chains keeping us bound? Hey, it happens to the best of us. But now it's time to get away.

So the key is, when you're between that rock and that hard place, go in the direction of God's promise no matter how scary it seems. Get far, far away from things like abuse, unhappiness and mediocrity and run towards the peace, joy and sure reward that God had in mind. When it seems impossible to get away, He can create a way of escape and guide you on a path toward complete freedom and victory, never to return to those old bondages again. Remind yourself of God's love and willingness to help you by reading His book of promises (the Bible). If He can part the Red Sea, what can He NOT do!

In what area of your life could you get away and allow God to pull you through?
TA-NING is a former model and clothing designer who one day got the "call" to leave the fab world of fashion behind. While in Bible College, she discovered her knack for mixing her quirky style of writing with her gift to teach. TA-NING'S TELL IT TUESDAY is a weekly column (originally launched on Facebook) that uses doses of pop culture to tear down the walls of churchy tradition, change the face of Christianity, and present it's message in a lively way. Ta-ning resides in Santa Monica (by way of BK), is obsessed with dogs, and is an old school Hip-Hop junkie!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Primal Starter: How To Eat Well On Less?

Inline_Food_Nutrition_Live-Awesome-645x445-01I get frequent requests for ideas on working Primal eating priorities into more frugal budgets, and we’ve done a good number of posts on the topic over the years. It’s one of those issues, however, that deserves more attention because it’s really a significant intersection for Primal “theory” and day-to-day practice. In fact, we’ll be putting together a new resource page this year, however, that brings together more on the subject. For today though, let me share some ideas, and I hope you’ll offer your questions and suggestions, too.

  • Learn to cook thriftier cuts of meat to be just as tender and flavorful as more expensive cuts. (We have an upcoming post on this one.)
  • Hunt around for sales and stock up whenever something good (organic/grass-fed) reaches a price that works for you. Store in the freezer. Wrap tightly in freezer-safe ziploc bags, making sure to suck out all the air to prevent, or at least limit, freezer burn. Better yet, get a vacuum-sealer.
  • Keep your eyes out for Australian or New Zealand lamb (the former is usually pastured if not entirely grass-fed and the latter is almost always grass-fed). Uruguyan, New Zealand, and Australian beef are also widely available and usually grass-fed.
  • If you’ve got any friends or family interested, combine your funds to purchase an entire cow, or half or a quarter of one, from a local farm. This is also called cowpooling, so keep your eyes peeled for that term. You can check for local ranches that offer bulk purchases. I’ve also seen bulk purchasing listed on Craigslist.
  • Check out farmer’s markets in your area. Even the “non-organic” produce is often organically grown, just without the pricey certification. Don’t be afraid to ask the people manning the stands.
  • Skip cold cuts, which are expensive when you consider the actual price per pound, and slice your own whole meats for use in salads, wraps, etc.
  • Frozen produce is an excellent and often affordable way to obtain high-quality (frozen right after picking to limit degradation of nutrients) organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Join a big box store like Costco, which often has great deals on organics and grass-fed meat.
  • Quality trumps quantity. Stick to smaller amounts of high-quality meat rather than loading up on cheap, CAFO-raised meat.
  • Plan ahead. Plan your meals for the week. Plan your shopping trips so you can make an extra stop or two for really good deals. Eliminate the random spontaneous stuff you pick up because you walked into the grocery store without a plan in mind.

For more ideas, check out “99 Ways to Save Money on Food.”

The post Primal Starter: How To Eat Well On Less? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

And The Winners of a "Celeb" Matte Liquid Lipstick by Ferya Cosmetics Are...

Ferya Cosmetics 
Alright Ladies,
We asked you to comment on all articles this past week and you came through! Thanks for participating and sharing your thoughts with us! We love to hear what you think! Soooooooo, without further ado, the 5 winners of a 'Celeb' matte liquid lipstick by Ferya Cosmetics are...


Congrats Winners! You have 1 week to claim your prize. Please email with your full name and address with 'Ferya Lipstick Giveaway' in the subject line. Enjoy your lipstick, and stay tuned for our next giveaway! Past winners are still eligible! 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Monday, February 26, 2018

Walking Bass Guitar

Dear Mark: Improving Exercise Stress Tolerance, Stress and Athletic Performance, My Stress Practices, Non-Negotiable Stress, and Distractions

Dear_Mark_Inline_PhotoFor today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering five questions about stress. First, how can someone handle the stress from training five days a week, assuming they don’t want to cut back on gym days? Second, what are the negative effects of chronic stress on athletic performance? Third, what do I do when I’m stressed out and Primal Calm isn’t cutting it? Do I have any practices? And fourth, how can a working mom with three little kids deal with non-negotiable stress? Fifth, can distractions like TV or movies help us deal with stress, or are they just ways to ignore the problem?

Let’s go:

I’d like to know more about how to best combat stress from HIIT other than just don’t work out 5 times a week. Don’t know that I’m willing to sacrifice days at the gym. Thanks!!

My first suggestion—and the best one—is to sacrifice days at the gym. Five days is excessive for most people, and since you’re complaining about too much stress, you appear to be most people. Drop a day or two and you’ll get better results and experience less stress.

My second suggestion is to keep going training five days a week but make your workouts longer and easier and shorter and more intense. If you’re doing 5 days at that moderate-high intensity, moderate-high volume setting so many assume is the path to fitness, you will crash without physiological enhancement. Do 2-3 days of intense strength training—quick, dense, hard workouts using full-body movements—and sprints. Do 1-2 days of really long, really easy aerobic work. That could be a hike, a long bike ride, or even time on the elliptical, exercise bike, or treadmill.

Third, you can start playing around with supplements and foods and practices to speed recovery.

Beets are probably best here. Beet juice has been shown to reduce muscle pain after training, speed up recovery after hard training, and improve muscle phosphocreatine depletion rates during intense efforts.  Beets even reduce sympathetic over-activation of muscles, promoting more resting and relaxing.

Take tart cherry. Tart cherry juice/powder/concentrate can  speed up recovery after intense, prolonged training. Tastes good, too.

Cold water immersion can improve short term muscle recovery, especially in the heat where tissue cooling is a big impediment to getting back at it, but it may hamper hypertrophy and long term strength development.

This is a big topic. I should probably cover it more in depth.

How does chronic stress impact athletic performance?

In many ways.

Chronic stress increases the chance of injury. During intense “life events”—deaths, illnesses, divorces—an athlete’s risk of getting injured goes up. You can’t perform if you’re injured.

Chronic stress increases the risk of burnout. You’re adding stress to stress, and something’s going to give.

Chronic stress decreases performance. Consider how the stress of a game coming down to the wire with everything on the line affects athletes differently. Some rise to the occasion, sink the free throws, make the catch, complete the final push. Others shrink against pressure, miss the free throw, drop the catch, fall back at the end. Those for whom pressure increases performance simply haven’t reached their stress tolerance threshold. Those who buckle have reached it. If an athlete is suffering from chronic stress, they have reached their stress tolerance threshold.

Other than primal calm(used before and love it!) what physical practices do you use to help reduce the affects of stress?

I’ve tried meditation. Doesn’t work for me. Or rather, I don’t work for it. At this point in my life, I’ve pretty much accepted that it’s not going to happen.

Moving meditations work. My absolute favorite is to get out on the open water and go standup paddling. Some of my most awe-inspiring moments have happened on the board, like coming upon a pod of dolphins who proceed to frolic under, around, and with me, or having an up-close experience with a mama gray whale and her two calves.

Good fiction helps. You temporarily inhabit another world, live another narrative. It’s a reset. If I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’ll make a point to carve out an hour or two for time with a good book.

Exercise usually works. It never hurts. Let’s put it this way: I’ve never regretted deciding to hit the gym, run some hill sprints, or go for a hike when I’m feeling the effects of stress coming on.

Going outside wearing as little clothing as you can bear is another. This is the advantage of working from home. I can slip outside in shorts and no shoes, make contact with the earth and sun, and almost immediately feel better. I don’t know if it’s the vitamin D or nitric oxide from the sun, or if “grounding” is doing anything on a physiological level, but it sure does work. Things are a little different now that I’ve moved to Miami, so I’m still figuring all that out.

what can we do with stressors that absolutely cannot be eliminated from our lives while maintaining a high level of energy for our life’s demands?… coming from a mom of 3 under 3, breadwinner, full time working outside the home, special needs parent.

Find the wiggle room. There’s always some lurking around. Go home a little early one day a week. Did your world crumble around you? Did the business fail?  Probably not. What probably happened was people didn’t even notice and got on with their work normally. Try that. See how it goes. See if it affects your status at work or ability to get the job done. I suspect it won’t.

There may be some wiggle room with the kids, too. Three under three with special needs is intense. I won’t discount that. I only ever had two at the most to deal with, so I can imagine. But see what you can do. Set up a cordoned off play-area or playroom that you can dump them in for a few minutes here and there for some alone time. Be willing to let them work things out themselves from time to time instead of immediately rushing in to mediate, as long as the screams aren’t too bloodcurdling. Be tolerant of a bit of discord.

How much do distractions (playing games, watching movies) help against stress? Ignoring issues is not a long-term solution, but do they help in delaying the negative effects of stress?

Great question.

We can do great things with these complex brains, like plan years in advance, make predictions, solve complicated problems. We can also do bad things with them, like ruminate. We can fall into recursive thought loops. Take the uniquely human affliction of stressing about stress, or even worse, stressing about stressing about stress. You won’t ever see a dog doing that.

Sometimes, a distraction is exactly what you need to break out of the cycle, disrupt the thought loops, and cut through the stress.

It’s not ignoring it, actually. It’s dealing with the stressful thought loop the only way you truly can—by arresting its progress.

Now, should you engage in an endless series of distractions to avoid thinking about the bills you should be paying, the life you should be leading, the marriage you should be saving? Definitely not. But certain types of mental stress definitely benefit from the occasional injection of distraction.

That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for reading and thanks for asking such great questions. Take care!

Be sure to chime in down below if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.


The post Dear Mark: Improving Exercise Stress Tolerance, Stress and Athletic Performance, My Stress Practices, Non-Negotiable Stress, and Distractions appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Primal Starter: Small Wins

Inline_Live-Awesome-645x445-03They say it’s the little things, and maybe it is. Success isn’t honestly built by daily yearning for a dramatic goal after all. It’s constructed by the small wins we plot along the way. Teresa Amabile, author and Professor at the Harvard Business School, calls this the “progress principle.” Amabile and her associates studied employees’ daily diaries that her team designed. They found the efforts of tracking small achievements each day (as well as reflecting on challenges) enhanced workers’ motivation as well as creativity. The chance to consider and record one’s progress, she explains, helps us appreciate our “small wins” and boosts our sense of competence. We can then “leverage” that confidence (as well as lessons learned from the reflection) toward subsequent, larger successes. Amabile stresses there’s always some progress to recognize in a day, even on the most challenging or discouraging days.

Yet, too often we downplay our progress or even talk ourselves out of it for the sake of guilt, unworthiness, or misguided modesty. Why? We’re taking the wind out of our own sails instead of leveraging, as Amabile suggests, our daily successes toward continuing motivation. Charles Duhigg, author of acclaimed book The Power of Habit explains the durable impact of these small achievements: “A huge body of research has shown that small wins have enormous power, and influence disproportionate to the accomplishments of the victories themselves.” In other words, it makes no difference how minute our day’s achievement is because—when we allow ourselves to recognize the wins and leverage these “tiny advantages,” as Duhigg calls them—the power we absorb from each small win will always be more substantial than the original event. Progress takes on a life of it’s own—like motivation gone viral within our brain.

And luckily, our day’s routine is ripe for subtle but transformative shifts. Duhigg writes about the power of “keystone habits,” those habits that, while seemingly modest and self-contained, have inordinate sway over other choices we make and actions we take throughout the day. Adopting a single new habit, if it’s of a pivotal keystone variety, can enact widespread change in our lifestyle. Among the examples Duhigg highlights is food journaling. In an NIH study of some 1600 obese people, those who were asked to write down a day’s food intake one day a week ended up losing twice the weight as other groups. The request was enough to get many of the participants to extend the habit into other days of the week and, as Duhigg explains, “created a structure that helped other habits to flourish.”

The key here is to discern what habits can become “keystone habits” for your health journey. As the principle suggests, it’s unnecessary to overload yourself with a laundry list of changes to your routine. That’s the principle behind the “keystone” approach: you don’t need to upend your life or turn yourself inside out working toward change. You just need to be strategic about what to shift. Ultimately, it’s about letting these few changes build momentum in your life and then fueling that momentum with the energy of celebrating each small win. It’s the snowball effect at its multidimensional best.  The end result can be achieving that ultimate goal you set as well as successes you may have never envisioned.

For more on small wins, check out “11 Small Wins to Help You Kick-Start Your Primal Life.”

The post Primal Starter: Small Wins appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Should You Charge Men For Your Number on Dating Apps?

By Veronica Wells

I’ve always thought the conception of online dating was an interesting one. And if I didn’t have such a fear of strangers, it might have been a nice option for me when I was still accepting applications. But that’s not the way the cookie crumbled. And while there are some experiences that I wish I’d had, like swiping or matching with someone who also thought I was attractive, I’ve also heard more than a few horror stories.

Mainly that the people, specifically the men on dating apps, are either only trying to get you to have sex with them or they’ll send you daily “wyd” texts for three weeks, taking no sort of initiative to plan a date so he can meet you in person.

Just like the real world, there is struggle.

So, when women venture back onto these apps, sometimes after having been bruised or burned a couple of times, they want to make sure that they’ve come back new and approved. They want a strategy to ensure that no more of their time will be wasted.

It might be hard to do but one woman had a bit of a solution. She shared that she makes men pay for her phone number…literally.

She explains:

Turns out, Mecca was making way more than $5.00 in the process.

Full disclosure, Mecca is not accepting this money with the most honest intentions, in fact, she shared on Twitter: Not only is Mecca using the money for her boyfriend, she’s not even giving out her real number. 

If you know how Tinder works, you know that you have to first match with someone before they’re able to even ask for your number. That was a bit of a downer for Mecca but she soldiered on, saying that the best people to match with were “pasty republicans” and “ballers.” Mecca assures us that we’ll be able to tell the difference.

When a woman said she would feel too bad doing this to someone, Mecca said, she felt bad at first until, “…this White guy said I looked like [a] “classy black girl.” After that, taking his dough was no problem.

But aside from the scamming part, is it wrong that I don’t see that much of an issue with Mecca’s idea? Earlier I mentioned accepting applications. Why couldn’t the $5 serve as an application fee? Hell, if the first date goes well, it could even be reimbursed. 

I know any time a woman talks about taking money from men, she’s labeled as a gold digger; but, for better or worse, money is a consistent part of our romantic interactions. From paying for dates, to deciding how you’re going to split bills in the same household, money and the ability to talk about it are a necessity in any healthy relationship.

Furthermore, I’m sure the requirement of five dollars is not only a conversation-starter, should you make it to an actual date, it is a clear indicator of the man or woman’s interest in getting to know you. Meaning the quality of your initial communication will be better because there’s a vested interest. Folks aren’t going to want to spend five dollars on a number and never make plans to see this brazen woman in person. The fact that people have paid Mecca for this information on a free app, is incredible. And maybe that’s what I like about this idea the most, a woman who recognizes that there is worth associated with just having access to her.

What do you think about the idea of making people on dating apps pay for your number?
Veronica Wells is the culture editor at She is also the author of “Bettah Days” and the creator of the websiteNoSugarNoCreamMag. You can follow her on Facebook and on Instagram and Twitter @VDubShrug

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki