Monday, August 21, 2017

Two White Women Showed Up At Howard University Wearing 'Make America Great Again' Hats

While on a tour of Washington D.C., two white New Jersey high school students decided to pay a visit to Howard University's campus to have lunch. The problem is, they decided to show up on an historically Black campus wearing 'Make America Great Again' hats.

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The two students both wore 'Make America Great Again' hats, while Allie Vandee, one of the students also wore a 'MAGA' t-shirt. The attire caused a negative uproar on campus, resulting in a man stealing one of the 'MAGA' hats. The hat would be returned shortly after by an advisor.

After realizing how big of an issue they were causing, the chaperone encouraged all of the students from the tour to leave. But it didn't stop Vandee from leaving a statement on Twitter claiming she was the victim.

“While we were waiting in line not knowing the HU is a predominantly ‘black’ school, which either way SHOULDN’T MATTER, a man came up and stole Sarah’s hat,” Vandee wrote.

Vandee continued, “We were harassed continuously. The students took videos and pictures of us saying WE were being ‘disrespectful’, and that ‘us being caucasian, we should have known better’.”

But Howard University wasn't having it!

Howard University officials issued the following statement following the uproar on campus:

Source: Essence

What do you think about the students reactions? How would you have responded in this situation?
Mike "Orie" Mosley is the managing editor for and a cultural advocate from St. Louis. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Entertainment & Media Management from Columbia College Chicago and a Masters in Higher Education Administration from LSU. He is also the founder of In his spare time, he's probably listening to hip hop & neo soul music, hitting up brunch or caught up in deep conversations about Black music. You can follow him on Twitter @mike_orie or on Instagram @mikeorie

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