Monday, August 14, 2017

Shonda Rhimes Signs Multi-Year Deal to Move Shondaland to Netflix

Photo courtesy of PMK

By Sharee Silerio

Shonda Rhimes is making moves again! The game-changing, hit-making writer, producer and showrunner is bringing her talent and production company, Shondaland, to Netflix! Her longtime producing partner, Betsy Beers, makes the move as well.

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If you’re like me, then you started watching “Scandal”, Rhimes’ beloved, powerful, riveting, trailblazing show with a black woman lead, on Netflix.

A couple of episodes into the first season, I was hooked. The dialogue, drama, acting, storyline and Olivia Pope #blackgirlmagic by way of Kerry Washington was something fresh, exciting, and in some ways empowering.

I was SO happy that I could binge-watch multiple seasons in a matter of days, LOL, including become a member of the gladiator clan.

As Netflix helped catapult Rhimes’ success and increased her reach to fans around the world, it makes sense for the two to partner together. In this new four-year deal with the giant streaming network, she will create and produce new series and other projects.

This offers a new platform for her to tell stories, in the ways she wants to tell them.

“Shonda Rhimes is one of the greatest storytellers in the history of television,” said Ted Sarandos, Chief Content Officer, Netflix. “Her work is gripping, inventive, pulse-pounding, heart-stopping, taboo-breaking television at its best. I’ve gotten the chance to know Shonda and she’s a true Netflixer at heart -- she loves TV and films, she cares passionately about her work, and she delivers for her audience. We’re so excited to welcome her to Netflix.”

Beers added, “I am a huge fan of the talented team and amazing programming at Netflix. The ability to create content for our new partners is an exciting challenge. I am grateful to everyone at ABC for their continued support and I look forward to beginning this next chapter at Netflix.”

As the first African-American woman to achieve the rare 100-episode milestone three times in her career, for “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Private Practice” and “Scandal”, this new chapter sets her up to break new ground again.

“Shondaland’s move to Netflix is the result of a shared plan Ted Sarandos and I built based on my vision for myself as a storyteller and for the evolution of my company,” Rhimes said. “Ted provides a clear, fearless space for creators at Netflix. He understood what I was looking for -- the opportunity to build a vibrant new storytelling home for writers with the unique creative freedom and instantaneous global reach provided by Netflix’s singular sense of innovation. The future of Shondaland at Netflix has limitless possibilities.

Our current shows will continue to thrive on ABC and Shondaland will be there every step of the way. I could not have asked for a better home to begin my career. I continue to be grateful to work with so many talented people – especially our studio gladiator Patrick Moran and our most powerful and brilliant champion Channing Dungey.

Starting today, we are thrilled to begin creating new Shondaland stories with Netflix. Everyone at Shondaland is honored to expand both our audience and our creative identity with Ted and the entire team at Netflix.”

From including diverse characters, telling authentic, heart-wrenching stories, and achieving success on her own terms, Rhimes has provided a roadmap for what it looks like to make an impact on the entertainment industry.

Are you a Shonda Rhimes fan? What do you think about her deal with Netflix?
Sharee Silerio is a St. Louis-based freelance writer, Film and TV writer-producer, and blogger. When she isn’t creating content for The Root or The St. Louis American, she enjoys watching drama/sci-fi/comedy movies and TV shows, writing faith and self-love posts for, relaxing with a cup of chai tea, crafting chic DIY event décor, and traveling. Review her freelance portfolio at then connect with her on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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