Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Oklahoma Police Chief Resigns After Being Linked To Neo-Nazi Websites

Having any affiliation to white supremacy and neo-Nazism can cost one their job, with one of the best examples being the rioters in the Charlottesville rally, where many demonstrators were let go from their jobs after being identified on social media.

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Such is the case with Bart Alsbrook, a Colbert, Oklahoma interim police chief who resigned after local TV station KXII-TV revealed he was connected to two neo-Nazi websites. Alsbrook quit his post after only finishing his first week on the job. The town had been dealing with turnover issues, as Alsbrook was the its third police chief in less than a year.

KXII realized Alsbrook was linked to websites selling white supremacist-themed music and memorabilia, ISD Records and NS88 Videos. The former is a record company which boasts artists such as The Klansmen and albums such as “Hitler was Right.” The sites were taken down hours after KXII made an inquiry.

Southern Law Poverty Center tracks extremist groups and both sites were included on its Hate Map. The center also confirmed that Alsbrooks was the USA Texas Coordinator for neo-Nazi skinhead group Blood & Honour. Alsbrook has denied having any connection to either of the websites and claimed that “vindictive skinheads he’d met at heavy metal concerts” were the reason why he was linked to the racist platforms.

“Someone has been using my name for years on the internet in regards to racist topics,” Alsbrook told Tulsa World. “It’s not me, rather someone who has hijacked my name due to my combativeness and rejection to white power skinheads who were always coming to the heavy metal shows, starting fights and messing up our scene.”

Source: HuffPo

What do you think about Alsbrook’s statement? Do you believe he is associated with neo-Nazi groups? What do you think about the hate groups affecting someone’s job in general? Let’s discuss in the comments!
Tonja RenĂ©e Stidhum is a writer/director living in Los Angeles by way of Chicago. She is the co-host of the movie review podcast, Cinema Bun Podcast. She is made of sugar and spice and everything rice... with the uncanny ability to make a Disney/Pixar reference in the same sentence as a double entendre. You can follow her on Twitter @EmbraceTheJ, on Facebook FB.com/tstidhum, and Instagram @embracethej. You can find more of her work on her About Me page, http://ift.tt/2n7OHKw.

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