Friday, August 11, 2017

I’m Back to Being Me!

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

As I bent down to tie my shoe, I had to breath out to reach the laces. Before I was done tying the other shoe, I had to sit up and breathe. My belly was in the way, and was forcing me to not be able to breath while bent over. I sat up, and cussed inwardly. That’s enough! In my younger years I had raced Moto-X, I had been into body building. I was in martial arts and was a black belt. I had played all sorts of demanding sports. And now I couldn’t even tie my shoe without coming up for air.

After my son was born I quit the gym to spend more time with family. 2-1/2 years later when my daughter was born I had gained 20 lbs and had stopped working out all together. And now, 3 years after that I couldn’t even tie my shoe. On top of that, I had a lower back injury caused by coughing. Yeah, that’s right, I coughed and my back when out. What the…? I stepped on the scale. 238lbs.

Now I was dealing with the voice inside insisting I could never get back to where I was. It was too hard, I didn’t have the time. I didn’t want to give up good food. I didn’t want to feel guilty if I missed a week of working out, or ate something I wasn’t supposed to. At 238 lbs, I felt tired, guilty, ashamed, and unmotivated.

A co-worker told me about Mark’s books, Primal Blueprint and Primal Endurance. I bought the audio books and started listening to them on my way to and from work. “Inspired” is the only word I can come up with. This sounded achievable. I could do this. It was time to get healthy for my kids, my wife, and myself.

I followed the books. I ran, biked, worked out, and played. I played hard. I bought a HRM and used it often. At first only able to walk to stay within my aerobic zone. I stayed with it.

I stuck with the Primal eating for a month, and dropped 15 lbs easily without once feeling like I had given anything up! I ran 3 miles at the beach the next month then played with my kids all day. The month after that I ran 5 miles in just over an hour averaging 138BPM, then did yard work and played soccer with my kids all day, no crash, no cravings for carbs. I ate a steak with veggies that night with friends. They said “Allen, you’re looking great! You’ve lost a lot of weight. Are you cheating on your diet today?” I just grinned. “Thanks, I’ve lost 35 lbs, and it’s not a diet.”

I’m not back to where I was. I’m back to being me, and I don’t care where I’ve been. I’m here now and I’m loving it. Thank you, Mark.

Allen Weed


The post I’m Back to Being Me! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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