Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wash Day with '90's Throwback Products


by Jascmeen of

Throwback pics, vintage tees, and even the occasional retro makeup moment are all A-okay with me, but old school beauty products? Oh, HELL NO.

For some reason I thought it would be fun to use all throwbacks for a wash day YouTub video. I strolled down the aisles of my local beauty supply and 99 Cent store and scooped up every nostalgic product I could find.


I grabbed a bottle of V05 which I vaguely remember using the few times I was allowed to wash my own hair. More than anything I remember seeing the bottle around the house and their iconic commercials and magazine ads. It was so popular back in the day, it couldn’t be that bad, right?

My conditioner of choice was the coconut-scented Suave. This stuff is the most coconut-smelling product ever and I was looking forward to using it for that reason alone. Plus how cool would it be if it worked well? It’s only a dollar! That would be a game changer!

Luster’s Pink Hair Lotion was my leave-in of choice. I mistakenly bought the “light” version so I was almost positive it would do nothing to condition my super thick hair. But hey, it’s an experiment after all.

How did it go? Well it was a disaster. The V05 stripped my hair of everything… EVERYTHING. I literally panicked while using this shampoo. My hair started to mat together, it was dry, it felt like trying to wash an old synthetic wig. (Which I know A LOT about.) I’m sure V05 has other products that would work for natural hair, but this shampoo absolutely doesn’t.

The Suave helped tremendously. I would love for them to reformulate this and make it sulfate-free because it’s a great product and has a good amount of slip. I barely made it out of this wash day, I mean— LOOK

I know, I know, these aren’t curl-enhancing products but STILL. I had terrible, dry frizz but the Luster’s helped to soften it. Pretty good for a light moisturizer, I must say.

Now on to styling. I decided to try for a poof with the help of a little grease and Pro Styl gel. I used a shoestring (as I always do) and the end result wasn’t awful looking but my hair felt the absolute worst.

I slicked down my edges with a toothbrush and the Pro Styl and the rest was history…

My little trip down memory lane was eye-opening to say the least. If ever you feel nostalgic thinking back on your old hair regimen, here’s why you should leave it IN THE PAST.

1. Natural hair needs curl-enhancing products
It goes without saying that you have a better chance of getting a poppin’ curl from a curl-enhancing product. In my experience anything not formulated for natural hair or curls is just not as good.

2. Moisture is key
Products that may have been too thick and greasy for my relaxed hair, is exactly what my thick curls need today. The lightweight stuff I used to use may help a tad but my hair craves more and just won’t act right without the proper amount of moisture.

3. Plain ol’ spoiled
My hair and I are used to certain products and the experiences they offer. Certain scents and consistencies just don’t feel right to me anymore and once you experience the luxuriousness of beautifully made natural hair products, you just can’t go back to something that feels like dish soap and smells like frosting.

THE ONLY beauty supply product that can make a comeback is strawberry scented roll on gloss :)

Check out the full vid below while I deep condition and try to get my life together

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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