Wednesday, October 19, 2016

6 Months!

The days are for real flying and for the most part, I've spent them selfishly awesomely:

-indoor biking (7 miles a day-- my bike is on 2nd level of our loft, which is the top floor of our building and the view is entertaining to say the least)
-rooftop lounging (soaking up the last little bits of sunny deliciousness 'cause Winter is Coming.)
-meditating (at least an hour a day, usually more)
-reading (all things spirituality)
-EATING (any and everything, in moderation. But for why does Chick-fil-a and Krispy Kreme deliver to our loft, tho?)
-lazing (lots) 

Dr. Daddy and Boogie have been amazingly helpful, my doctor (all melanated and magical) is on her shit and I am entirely entertained by all the glorious ruckus in my uterus. I could go on and on and on, but I'll just say... I'm happy.  Very blessed.  

I'll check back in soon!

p.s. so my hair has been straight since I got it cut (another thing I haven't been doing 'cause of all the chilling), but I decided to henna today (so. many. grays.) and rock a twist out.  I did an hour long henna gloss, created 20 twists with Aphogee's Green Tea Leave-in spray and Mane Choice's Gel.  I absolutely love the fact that I can twist my hair without the mullet in the back!  No rollers, pinning or tucking necessary.  My hair is finally the shape and length I've always wanted (it's stacked in the back!!!!).  If you've been scurred to get a particular cut, GO FOR IT!  Here's a few more shots that I took for Momma this a.m. (before I decided I looked cute enough for a public selfie!)--

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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