Sunday, June 26, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 406

Weekend Link LoveLast chance. Until this Thursday, the following digital books are on sale for only $3.99 on Amazon: Primal Blueprint Healthy Sauces, Dressings and ToppingsPrimal Blueprint Quick and Easy MealsPaleo PrimerRich Food, Poor Food, and Primal Cravings.

I’m in a new documentary on the problematic history of wheat. You can watch it online for free until June 30th. You won’t want to miss it. Click here to sign up and grab your spot.

To celebrate the upcoming launch of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ California Extra Virgin Avocado Oil, we’ve partnered with COYUCHI for a Summer Dining Sweeps! Enter to win $300 in prizes from two California companies that bring organic linens and flavorful ingredients to your table. Click here to enter.

Research of the Week

Young adults really do have weaker handshakes.

Skeletal muscle is almost everything.

Grinding frozen coffee beans produces a more uniform particle size.

Hundreds of genes might turn on after a person dies.

Using a strain of L. reuteri derived from human breast milk, researchers reversed autism-like social deficits in mice.

Exercising four hours after learning something boosts retention.

Bad sleep devastates athletes.

Outdoor artificial lighting promotes sleep disturbances.

“Comprehensive” changes to diet, sleep, mental stimulation, supplement intake, exercise, and medicine (which look a lot like the Primal Blueprint) reverse cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

New (and old) Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 87: Brad Kearns and Mark Sisson — Check out this episode from the archives. Brad and I talk about the delicate balance between striving for ambitious peak performance goals and pursuing longevity. Sometimes it’s a balance that even the most experienced athletes might screw up (hence our joint effort in creating Primal Endurance).

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

Do we need unteachers?

Why standing is necessary but not sufficient.

A plan to save health journalism?

Media, Schmedia

You gotta wonder how China’s single time zone affects circadian health in that country.

Scientists urge the EPA to ban Roundup. Related: a newish paper on glyphosate’s (main herbicide in Roundup) ability to act as a glycine analogue (PDF).

Everything Else

A Silicon Valley startup is making vegan burger patties that ooze yeast-based heme-tinted “blood,” smell “like” meat, and are streaked with flecks of coconut oil.

You’ll never guess this one weird trick prehistoric mammals evolved to escape hungry predators during the Triassic.

Soon you can sleep in an incredibly comfortable chimpanzee bed (without worrying about your genitals being mauled).

Psychedelics are helping people break destructive patterns and habits. Froot Loops are supersized bites with deliciously intense natural fruit flavors and, new research reveals, physiologically relevant glyphosate residues.

A nice visual summary of what makes us fat.

Battle of the exogenous ketones.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Jun 26 – Jul 2)

Comment of the Week

So would napping in the sun increase sun damage resistance?

– Ha! Simone, I’m not so sure about that one.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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