Thursday, June 9, 2016

Introducing the Primal Health Coach Program (and Why I Consider It One of Our Most Important Endeavors)

PHC_Certified_Blue_OnWhiteA couple years ago I had one of my biggest visions yet—something that felt bold, insistent, and personal. Approaching nearly a decade of putting my passion and resources into Mark’s Daily Apple, I knew the movement and community it had helped inspire were at a threshold point. I’d heard from so many readers over the years (many of them health practitioners) who were living according to the Primal Blueprint with incredible results but were increasingly frustrated by the lack of public attention and educational resources for this path to health. Some were even in the midst of medical training, receiving instruction on the worn, conventional teachings around nutrition, fitness, weight loss and chronic disease. These readers asked in their messages how they could reframe their education as well as medical practice to include the truths of the Primal Blueprint as they had experienced them first-hand. Could there be a means of direct Primal instruction to match that of conventional sources? Clearly, it was time to take Primal education to a new level, and that’s how the Primal Blueprint Certification was born.

And, yet, even then the question has hung in the air: how do we best encourage the dissemination of the Blueprint model and support those who want to share it professionally as well as personally? What more could we do to open the way for people to effectively teach as well as advocate for the Primal promise?

The answer is this announcement today. I’m proud to introduce the first and preeminent ancestral health coaching school: the Primal Health Coach program.

In the last year since we started offering the Primal Blueprint Expert Certification, many of those who’ve completed the program have requested help in turning their new knowledge into a successful business. We listened.

In upgrading the certification to a full Health Coaching Program, we’ve partnered with Master Coach Christine Hassler to create new coaching instruction and business sales videos as well as an added Coaching Manual and other improvements to help you apply the advanced Primal Blueprint training to a new career in health coaching or to expand an existing professional role within the health and wellness or life coaching spheres.

We’ve designed the Primal Health Coaching coursework to include everything necessary to learn the full-scale science and practice of the Primal Blueprint model and to set up or enhance a related business. Participants will get the intensive, fully-drawn explanation of the PB’s metabolic logic, the advanced physiological principles of Primal fitness, the detailed science of sleep, an in-depth primer on epigenetic influences, and more wide-ranging information to use with coaching clients to upgrade their health to Primal vitality. Those who take the program will also benefit from the series of coaching videos and resources, which delve into the psychological dimension of coaching and offer take-home strategies they can apply in their sessions with clients. Finally, they’ll learn the basics of establishing and growing a thriving coaching business.

With the quickly expanding role of health coaching in the field of health care today and the explosion of obesity and chronic disease rates, there’s never been a better time to join this mission. That’s why my team and I have doubled down on this Primal vision by upgrading this comprehensive educational certification to include an expertly designed coaching training program. The best way, I truly believe, to help the most people is by training others to become effective coaches who can take the Primal Blueprint message to the millions in dire need of personal support and accurate information as they seek to reclaim their health.

As one of the first certified Primal Health Coaches, you’ll enjoy a career you can feel personally invested in, align with the Primal Blueprint, and make a name for yourself in the ancestral health movement. You’ll have the opportunity to be part of the solution to the health problems and false paradigms that plague our society today. As a Primal Health Coach, you’ll have the chance to merge your passion with your profession in a business role you fully direct. As a side pursuit or a full-time career, you’ll be your own boss and conduct your business on your terms from home or within the professional community and setting of your choice.

And let me add that if you’ve always considered doing the Primal Certification for your own edification, to dig deeper into the science and application of the Blueprint for your own sake without professional aspirations, the program is absolutely still a great resource for you. The certification coursework has been enhanced in areas but remains fully intact. The central change has been the addition of new modules and videos about coaching. We welcome any and all who want to become experts in the Primal field.

Folks, I’ve never been more excited about the future of Primal living as I am today. I’m proud of what my team has accomplished and grateful for the members of this community, who have provided continual support and feedback that have guided us as we developed this program.

Whether or not you’re looking to take the course, I hope you’ll jump over to the new site and have a look around. Read the blog, which is growing as we speak, to learn more about what health coaching is, what makes Primal Health coaching unique, and why health coaching matters more than ever. They’ll be plenty more to come on the blog each week with practical coaching strategies, business planning tips, and coaching-friendly Primal guides. And if you think you may want to join the program or just want to learn more, subscribe and you’ll get access to a free half-hour informational video made by yours truly.

Of all our projects here at Primal Blueprint, Inc., the ones that excite me the most are those that catapult the message far beyond the scope of this blog to make a difference in countless people’s lives and health. I’m looking forward to watching the Primal Health Coach community grow and to sharing the stories that result from its impact.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Join us at Primal Health Coach, and let me know what you think. Have a great end to the week.


from Mark's Daily Apple

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