Thursday, November 30, 2017

You'll Fall In Love With This #MeToo Hair Sculpture & So Much More!

Laetitia Ky's #metoo campaign
By Winnie Gaturu

Have you seen Laetitia Ky's amazing hair sculptures? If you haven't, head over to her Instagram page and prepare yourself to be amazed. Laetitia is a 21 year-old polyvalent artist and aspiring fashion designer from Cote d'Ivoire. She has made a name for herself through her stunning natural hair sculptures which she does on her own head. She creates elaborate up-dos to depict anything from a smiley face to a bicycle. Some of her most stunning sculptures are the ones where she has shaped hands doing different things like holding a phone, waving hello and playing guitar.


Laetitia is an artistic individual and enjoys creating pieces of art. She says that her inspiration for this kind of hair art was from a photo series she saw on Instagram depicting the beauty and versatility of African Tribal styles. The styles she saw were stunningly. This got her thinking of how she could do the same with hair. Just like that, her amazing artwork was born. She started piecing together ideas from everything around her in order to create each amazing piece of artwork.

The time she takes to create each hair sculpture varies. It might take a few minutes for simple up-dos or up-to half a day for the more complex ones. The sculptures with the hands take the longest time. They usually involve the use of wires to shape and position of the fingers in order to achieve the desired look.

Laetitia Ky
Making these pieces of art doesn’t use up a lot of supplies. As a matter of fact, Laetitia normally uses working pins, fabric, wool yarn and a bit of wire only. All these are readily available materials which makes her work easier. Once she has her supplies, she is able to use them to manipulate her hair and transform it into a masterpiece.

One of her recent hair sculptures was for the #metoo campaign where she depicted a man trying to lift a lady's skirt. She accompanied this image with a heartfelt message to all victims of sexual assault or harassment on an instablog. One of the things she highlighted was how society tends to blame the victims every time.  How the observers associate the unfortunate event with a victim’s dress code or behavior. She also mentioned marital rape and encouraged all victims to speak out. Laetitia goes on to let women know that it’s never too late to speak out even if the assault took place a long time ago. Since the weight can be too difficult for one to bear alone, Laetitia informed her followers that her DM was open to anyone who wanted to talk. Her parting words, “You are not alone”.

What do you think about Laetitia’s hair sculptures?
Winnie Gaturu is a writer, tech lover, mom, wife and student from Nairobi, Kenya. During her free time, she loves trying out new recipes, diy projects, filling in crossword puzzles and spending time with her family. You can catch up with her on

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