Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Friday—Worker Bee Style

Photo frame on wooden background for design or montageGood morning, everyone. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving—however you chose to celebrate. Today, as previously announced, we’re upending  tradition (and our usual blog schedule) to do something different. On Tuesday, I shared alternatives to the customary Black Friday lines.

Today I’ve turned over the blog to some of our Mark’s Daily Apple, Primal Blueprint, Primal Kitchen, and Primal Health Coach “worker bees” who are generously sharing what they’re doing today to get outside and spend time with those they love.

“Suns out, buns out.” — Morgan Buehler



“Earlier this year my husband (and fellow Primal Worker Bee), Farhad, lost his father, so we will be honoring Mansour’s memory by participating in all his favorite activities—lots of good food, laughs, and family time out and about in San Fransisco. Wishing you lots of fun, love, and togetherness this holiday season!” — Liz, Farhad, & Maya Mostaedi



“Spending time with family during the holidays is such a joy. We are so fortunate to have my dad still with us, since his stroke last year. We cherish this time to get close and reflect on so many things we are truly thankful for.” — Feeling blessed, The Frustere Family



“The Taylors are back at Lindsay’s childhood home in Michigan where it’s coooold (compared to California anyway), so we are opting to unplug and unwind in good old-fashioned (indoor!) ways.” — Lindsay Taylor



“I live in the country, so not only am I not going anywhere near the mall on Black Friday, but I am committing to not even setting foot in the city! Instead I’ll take my two young horses for a leisurely walk down the road. It helps expose them to new sights, sounds, and smells—all of which are good training opportunities for a couple of untrained baby horses—and it’s an excuse for me to get a few miles of walking in.” — Erin Power



“I love spending time outdoors with friends and family! I consider it an important part of my wellness routine to get in some movement during the day outside, and I’ll definitely be spending Black Friday unwinding by hiking in the mountains/practicing yoga on the beach.” — Annie Martin



“There’s no better gift than waking up to *this* sunrise on the North Shore of Lake Superior. We’ll be hiking along the shoreline and relaxing in the cabin today.” — Jennifer Wannen

Processed with MOLDIV

Have a great holiday weekend, everyone. I’d love to hear how you’re enjoying today. Take care.


The post Black Friday—Worker Bee Style appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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