Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Inline_Thanksgiving_BeachThe staff and I are off today to be with friends and family, but I wanted to take some time this morning to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving—whether you’re celebrating here in the States or checking in from around the globe.

From a personal point of view, I like beginning the holiday season with a time for thankfulness. The end of the year calls us to take stock, and it’s illuminating (and humbling) to do it in a spirit of gratitude.

I’m thankful for my wonderful family and supportive friends and colleagues. They know it, so I won’t linger.

I’m also grateful for this amazing community—the engagement, encouragement, and challenge you all have offered me over the years. Mark’s Daily Apple continues to be an evolving project. You are the engine of its evolution. My best ideas often come from satisfying a need one of you relay to me or my staff, and I’ve steered my blog, the books, events, products, and educational programs to reflect these ideas and to assist my readers. Thank you, everyone, and please continue to offer your feedback.

I hope you’re enjoying yourself today and have much to be grateful for this year, including good Primal health. Be well, and have a great holiday weekend.

Cheers, Mark


The post Happy Thanksgiving appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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