Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Doctor Mistook My Diabetes Symptoms for a Yeast Infection — How to Avoid My Fate

By Niesha Davis

It all started with an itch down there. At first, I thought my newfound discomfort was brought on by a new hygiene routine. “It must be that new body wash I bought,” I said to myself. I always heard rumors that cleansing yourself down there with fruity, fragranced soaps could wreak havoc on the pH balance in your vagina, and now it seems I was paying the price. I hurried myself to the bathroom to wash off with something less pungent, and relief came, albeit temporarily. But the tingly feeling never subsided and it returned with a vengeance later the next evening. In the days that followed, the feeling intensified and eventually progressed to a full-blown rash. I began to panic...

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2iVRvWr

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