Tuesday, November 7, 2017

10 Dos and Don’ts for Solo Female Travelers

Tausha Cowan
Via- The Globe Getter

I recently returned from 10 days of traveling in Chile and Argentina, part of that time with a friend and the rest by myself. In fact, the three days I spent in Buenos Aires were completely solo dolo. I would be lying if I said I hadn't been nervous before going to Buenos Aires. Quite frankly, I had heard mixed reviews from mostly people of color, and I wasn’t sure what to expect as a black woman traveling there by myself. Fortunately, I can say my overall experience in Buenos Aires was fantastic. Did I see anyone who looked like me? Not gonna lie, I didn’t. But I met some great people, experienced one of the city’s closed door restaurants, ate more red meat than I have in the past decade, drank some fantastic Argentine wine, walked for miles, toured the main hot spots and enjoyed a city that was experiencing perfect spring weather.

All that said, I was still a solo female traveler in a new, foreign city, so I took some precautions. Here are 10 dos and don’ts for solo female travelers:


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