Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jasmine Is Naturally Glam And Passionate About Natural Hair!

Jasmine aka @curlygaisha
Naturally Glam is baaaaaack with Jasmine aka CurlyGaisha!
Jasmine grew up in beautiful Garden State, New Jersey, with NYC right in her backyard, so she's a city girl through-and-through. Natural for three years, find out why she says it's the best decision she ever made, and how she plans to use her love of hair to inspire young girls around the world!


Tell us about your hair?
Now, to describe my hair texture and curl pattern, my hair texture is more toward the kinky side with roots that are prone to dryness. I have low porosity hair, which means it’s harder for moisture to penetrate; it’s important to know what works. With low porosity hair, products sit on the strand and need extra help (i.e. heat/steam) to open the cuticles to penetrate. Knowing my hair porosity has helped tremendously with the growth and health of my hair. I couldn’t understand why I had flakes or why products did not melt into my hair like the girls I saw on YouTube. That is why I love to help women I connect with. I don’t want them to waste their time and money trying endless amounts of product in a blind search to find what works. Another thing with my texture, I cannot use shampoo because it strips my hair of it’s moisture, so I substitute with bentonite clay / apple cider vinegar mix. For my curl pattern, I have tight coils on the right side in the front, loose pattern on the left side in the front and crown, and then 3c curls in the back. YES, so many curl patterns, but it has been a great journey so far getting to know them all. So be strong on your journey and do not take one person's experience as the key for yours.

What does having natural hair mean to you?
 Being natural is more than a hair thing, it's embracing everything that is true to you from your hair, to your beauty and the skin you’re in. Since starting this journey, I have become way more confident and sure of myself, loving all of me. I wish I discovered this part of myself years ago, but my belief is, everything happens when it is supposed to. I am excited to continue my journey and see where it takes me, with meeting new people and growing as a Black Boss Woman.

Do you have any fav black-owned products that you use?
My fav black-owned business products are Eden Body works, Camille rose, and Shea moisture. I know Shea moisture is not 100% black owned anymore, but the founders are black and the black community still greatly benefits from the work they do in the community. I must be selective with my products because I tend to have flakes and dryness, so that is why I stress knowing your hair porosity. I love Eden Body Works entire coconut line, sadly I feel they do not get the recognition they deserve. I promise you, I get the best results with my twist outs when using their leave-in conditioner and curl cream. I have low porosity kinky curly hair with a mix of four different curl patterns, this product line addresses all of it. I also LOVE their Co-wash it is in my top favorite of all time, I always recommend it! I haven’t yet mastered a wash and go with the products, but that is my next project and I’ll be sure to update you on how that goes. Camille rose curl maker is AMAZING when doing a wash and go! Last, but definitely not least, Shea Moisture, my hairs first love. There are numerous lines within the brand, but my favorite is the coconut and hibiscus line. I highly recommend the co-wash, conditioner, and curl smoothie. The line also has body products, as well as, kids’ hair products. I have used the coconut and hibiscus line since the beginning and I do not see myself giving it up. My latest obsession is the Low porosity leave-in and when I say IN love!! I mean IN LOVE!! I’ve mastered my wash and go with that beauty, pairing it will eco styler gel. My next project is to try other black owned brands, such as TGIN and The Mane Choice, so I will let you guys know how that goes.

What do you do and why do you love it?
I am focusing on building my brand, CurlyGaisha, one video and post at a time, while aspiring to inspire and motivate girls worldwide. I create content of my natural hair tips and tricks to help others with their journey and hopefully make their journeys easier. I create tutorials on my YouTube channel and give advice on my Facebook and Instagram accounts. I love it because I am contributing to my community by helping women of all ages embrace their natural beauty. Loving yourself is the first step to becoming the best version of yourself. If you do not love yourself, how can anyone else?! So, I love helping women master their hair and the challenges that come with it. It is fulfilling to see someone else get excited about being more confident and mastering their natural hair because I know how rough it can be. My long-term goal is to create my own hair product line and continue to reach as many girls as I can.

Has having natural hair contributed to you meeting your goals?
Since going natural, I’ve learned I have so much to offer and have not scratch the surface yet. I discovered I enjoy talking to anyone I encounter about natural hair, and that is why I started my YouTube channel. I reached one of my biggest goals of being featured on CurlyNikki, which is extremely exciting for me. As small beginning Natural hair influencer posted on one of the top natural hair blogs, that’s huge! Natural hair is a movement, it’s an identity, it’s a lifestyle, and it’s confidence. Since going natural, I learned the importance of standing in my truth and not allowing negative opinions to penetrate my mind. Society has a way of shaping your thoughts about how you look, about how you should act, and what is acceptable but just starting my hair journey has helped me tap into much more, starting from the color of my skin. I used to think having lighter skin was being beautiful because of society’s view, but now you CAN NOT tell me anything about my chocolate skin, that glows in the sun. Starting from our crowns to our skin in all the shades of melanin to our culture, WE ARE DOPE!

Jasmine & Sis showing sisterly love
Here's how to keep up with Jasmine!


If you're familiar with CurlyNikki you know that Naturally Glam is a platform for readers to share their natural hair journey, and now, we're adding the other important elements of your life! Are you in school, do you have a business, blog, products, advice, or even photos of your family to share? If you'd like to be featured in Naturally Glam- whether you live here or abroad- submit your photos to and answer these questions! 
1) Where are you from and how long have you been natural?
2) Do you have any fav black-owned products that you use?
3) What do you do and why do you love it?
5) If you have a business, are in school, have a blog, products you sell, advice to give, or family that you are proud of and want to share, please do.
6) Has having natural hair contributed to you meeting your life goals? If so, how?
7) What's been the best part of your natural hair journey or your hair journey in general?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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