Sunday, July 16, 2017

Weekend Link Love – Edition 460

weekend_linklove in-lineRESEARCH OF THE WEEK

Preformed vitamin D, the kind found in eggs, fish, and meat, is about 5 times as bioactive as vitamin D3. This makes animal foods a rich source of vitamin D and may explain why human skin lightened after the adoption of agriculture—so they could replace the vitamin D they no longer got from hunted meat.

Deficiencies of carnitine (a nutrient found in meat) may explain some autism cases.

Some people may be overdoing vitamin D supplementation.

Given a prompt, airport visitors are more likely to walk than ride the people-mover.

Using alcohol to reduce executive control improves creative problem-solving (but not divergent thinking).

Reducing dietary advanced glycation endproducts has no effect on inflammation or cardiovascular health in overweight/obese adults.

Life purpose increases sleep quality.


Episode 177: Dr. Loretta Breuning: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr. Breuning about her research into the best way to manage these crazy neurochemicals we’ve inherited from our ancestors.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.


My 10 favorite high-fat Primal keto recipes—a guest post I recently did for

Fighting yourself to lose weight (or do anything) never works.


How useful are gut biome profiles?

Activity trackers have the potential to provide great data for analyzing population health, but there’s still a long way to go.


Trade routes during the Copper Age spanned long distances.

For all our access to artificial lighting, our daytime light exposure is downright pathetic.

You make your own barriers.”

The Vatican has outlawed gluten-free bread for Holy Communion.

This past winter, California storms destroyed the only road leading into and out of a small community in Big Sur, forcing residents to hike everywhere. You’ll never guess what happened to their health.

Another reason not to eat boxed mac and cheese.

A religious tradition everyone can get behind.


Facebook live event I’ll be doing: Hang out with celebrity nutritionist, Primal Kitchen Cookbook contributor, and Body Love author, Kelly LeVeque, as she takes a deep dive into her health and wellness journey with me and Primal Kitchen COO, Morgan Buehler, on July 21 at 11 AM Pacific.

Contest I’m excited about that ends tomorrow at midnight—so hurry: This one. Win a Primal birthday cake kit.

Big announcement I’m excited about: The South Bend, Indiana, Primal Kitchen restaurant is officially opening on July 21! Go give ’em (and your micronutrient profile) some love.

Success story I’m digging: Andrea Boyer took her health on a 180º with Primal principles after being diagnosed as pre-diabetic and with Celiac. Today she’s loving life and coaching others to take back their vitality.

I want some: Avocado pit totems.

Concept I’d never considered: Tennis grunts are strategic.



One year ago (Jul 16– Jul 22)


Mice eating their bones – that’s self-sufficiency!

– You reminded me of something, Catherine. The day I turned 18, my parents kicked me out of the house. One of the most important first steps I took on the road to self-sufficiency was to start consuming my own hair and fingernails for extra protein.

The post Weekend Link Love – Edition 460 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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