Thursday, July 6, 2017

Meet The 7-Year-Old Entrepreneur Who Runs Her Own Food Truck

Photo courtesy of Kyleigh's Lemonade Stand & More

Little Rock, Arkansas is HOT y’all. I’m talking 80 degrees in the shade on a cool day hot. When it’s that hot, there is nothing more satisfying than a nice cool glass of Lemonade and I know where the good stuff is.

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Kyleigh’s Lemonade Stand is a new food truck in Arkansas that is getting the best kind of attention.

Now sources say that their lemonade is reportedly the best in town, but it’s the owner that you need to see, to believe. When you order a cool summer treat from this adorable pink on yellow food truck, chances are you’ll be served by owner and operator Kyleigh McGee, who is all of seven years old.

This business savvy little lady started the stand last year, after getting permission to set up shop in her grandmother’s front yard. Kyleigh quickly became very passionate about her little lemonade stand, and her mother, Gabrielle Williams, who is also an entrepreneur, took notice.

“Last year she did so well with it. It’s something she enjoyed doing.” Williams said, “I have my own business going so, I decided to let her expand and do something on her own as well.”

Williams bought an old snow cone stand and encouraged her daughter to work to her heart’s content. They were hoping to teach Kyleigh the basics of running a business, but now, their summer shop has become so popular in Little Rock that they’re already booked out until December.

Kyleigh has hit it big in a way that has even gone beyond their town in Arkansas. The tiny tycoon has been making the rounds on the local and national news station. She even recently landed an interview with her business partners (aka Mom & Grandma) on Good Morning America.

This little girl is learning about finances, entrepreneurship and customer service before 6th-grade y’all. If this isn’t Black Girl Magic in action I don’t know what is. Not only are the women in her life inspiring her to explore her talents, they’re supporting her vision, and making sure to do all the “grown-up stuff” while keeping the experience fun and educational.

My favorite part of this story and perhaps the most important part is the smile that seems’s plastered on little Kyleigh’s adorable face. She’s young, so her smile is cookie cutter cute, and missing two teeth. In most interviews has appeared with her hair cornrowed to one side, with beads swinging over her ear. She’s beaming as she serves customers other items from their menu, like their famous Pineapple Sno-Cone.

“Do you like it??” She asked a customer eagerly, during an interview wth THV11. There was pure magic in her eyes, and you could practically hear that toothless ear to ear grin, even off camera. It’s clear that Kyleigh McGee is having the summer of her life, enjoying the experience of being her own boss, with the added bonus of having two very strong black women supporting her, and her growing business every step of the way.

Yes, Kyleigh. We love it.
You go, baby.

What do you think about Kyleigh's idea? How can we encourage more youth to start businesses at a young age? 
Alma Hill is a freelance journalist, actress, and mother living in Orlando, FL. A frequent contributor to online and print media publications, she believes that the words from our mouths will change the world. Born in Charlotte, NC, she's a millennial with an old soul who appreciates a good meme as much as a Miles Davis album. Brave souls can follow her on Twitter @_mynameissoul,but you have been warned. 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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