Monday, July 10, 2017

Avocado Hair Treatments

IG: @kersti.pirte

by Mary Wolff

For hair care, it is always fun to try new at home treatments. With the growing popularity of avocados, it was only a matter of time before avocado hair treatments became a hot trend. Is this trend really worth it? How do you make avocado hair treatments?

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Avocado is a Superfood
If you're wondering if it is worth putting smashed up green gunk in your hair, the answer is a definite yes.  Avocados are a powerhouse of essential nutrients such as fatty acids and biotin. These two elements help make hair strong and promote growth. They also help with scalp health to help stimulate growth at the foundation.  Best of all, avocados are loaded with moisturizing properties, such as vitamin E and vitamin D, so hair will be given a nice thirst quencher from this superfood. While eating avocado offers tons of health benefits, adding it your hair in the form of a mask gives instant results.

Avocado Mask 
Since they are packed with so much good stuff on their own, it is really easy to make avocado hair treatments without adding a lot of other ingredients. Here are a few of my favorite recipes.

Avocado and Banana 
One of my favorites for battling frizz during warmer months, this mask is easy to make. Take the pulp of one ripe avocado and one ripe, peeled banana and blend until free of lumps. Apply to hair for twenty minutes, covering with a shower cap.  Rinse and shampoo as usual.

Avocado and Olive Oil 
This recipe is great for really dry hair in need of a pick-me-up. Combine in a bowl one ripe avocado pulp and two tbsp. olive oil until well blended. Apply to hair for 20-25 minutes using a shower cap to seal in the mixture. Rinse, shampoo, and style as normal.

When looking to add some power to your next at-home hair treatment, avocados are the way to go. With just a few simple ingredients, your strands can reap the benefits of this superfood.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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