Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tamari and Kombu Soft-Boiled Eggs

Inline_Tamari Egg 2Hardboiled eggs are a perfect snack, but even a perfect snack can get boring sometimes. This recipe offers a slight variation—and, oh, what a difference! A mild-flavored hard-boiled egg turns into an umami flavor bomb. This egg practically melts in your mouth, thanks to a yolk that is creamy and runny instead of dry and chalky. The soft, rich middle is a delicious contrast to the salty flavor and firm texture of the outer egg white.

Try a soft-boiled egg once, and you might never go back to hard-boiled. The change is easy to make—simply boil the eggs a few minutes less. Eggs are the ultimate Primal food source, full of protein, healthy fats, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. The more ways you can enjoy them, the better. A carton of soft-boiled tamari and kombu eggs is a healthy and easy go-to snack to keep in the fridge.

(P.S. Kombu isn’t an ingredient that’s absolutely necessary for this recipe, but it’s worth adding. Steeping kombu in the marinade extracts minerals and makes these eggs an even healthier supplemental food).

Servings: 6 soft-boiled eggs

Time in the Kitchen: 25 minutes



  • 6 eggs
  • 3/4 cup warm water (180 ml)
  • ½ cup tamari* (120 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut aminos (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar (30 ml)
  • 2-inches ginger root, peeled and chopped (5 cm)
  • 1 strip kombu, broken into 2 pieces


Primal Aviary

*The saltiness of tamari can vary between brands. If your first batch of eggs is too salty, cut back on the amount of tamari used for future batches.

In a medium bowl, whisk together warm water, tamari, coconut aminos, rice vinegar, ginger and kombu. Set aside and let cool to room temperature.

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Use a large spoon to carefully set the eggs in the bottom of the pot.

For soft-boiled eggs, cook exactly 7 minutes.

While the eggs boil, fill a large bowl with water and ice.

When the eggs are done, set them gently in the bowl of ice water.

When the eggs are cool, peel while holding the egg underwater (this helps the shells come off more easily).

Submerge the eggs in the tamari marinade so they are completely covered. If the eggs aren’t completely submerged, try a different sized bowl or a jar, or, add more water.

Marinate the eggs in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and up to 8 hours (after that the eggs tend to get too salty). If refrigerated, the eggs will stay fresh for about a week out of the marinade. The marinade can be kept in the refrigerator and re-used for more eggs.

Tamari Egg 1

The post Tamari and Kombu Soft-Boiled Eggs appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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