Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Matthew Cherry Developing Animated Film About Father Doing Black Girls Hair

If you’re an active Twitter user, you must’ve heard about Matthew A. Cherry (The Last Fall, 9 Rides). Dubbed by me as “the social media hype man,” Cherry is always dropping positivity onto the timeline whether it’s a funny video or celebrating an undiscovered filmmaker.

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A former NFL player and filmmaker in his own right, Cherry has recently announced a Kickstarter campaign for his new animated short film, Hair Love.

In his own words, the film is created in a “Pixar-style” format and follows an African-American father (Stephen) attempting to do his daughter’s (Zuri) hair for the first time after being inspired by natural hair YouTube tutorials from a natural hair vlogger, Angela aka The Naturalista. Cherry will be co-directing the project along with 3D artist Jason Marino. Character design is by the clearly talented Vashti Harrison.

So, how did this all come about? Well, Cherry had this idea brewing for a couple years but the recent viral sensations of black fathers doing their daughters’ hair catapulted his confidence in regards to truly making his idea into a reality. Cherry initially piqued my interest when he introduced us to the leading little lady, Zuri earlier last week and the excitement only blew up from there:

Via his campaign, Cherry is raising $75,000 with an ambitious goal of $100,000. As we know, animated projects are challenging and equally expensive to create. This project would be a welcome addition to the black canon of animated films, of which we’re eager to expand our representation.

Check out more information about Hair Love and the crowdfunding campaign here! Are you as excited about this film as much as I am?! Hurry up and take our money, Mr. Cherry!
Tonja Renée Stidhum is a writer/director living in Los Angeles by way of Chicago. She is the co-host of the movie review podcast, Cinema Bun Podcast. She is made of sugar and spice and everything rice... with the uncanny ability to make a Disney/Pixar reference in the same sentence as a double entendre. You can follow her on Twitter @EmbraceTheJ, on Facebook FB.com/tstidhum, and Instagram @embracethej. You can find more of her work on her About Me page, http://ift.tt/2n7OHKw.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2uawpKU

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