Sunday, July 9, 2017

Weekend Link Love – Edition 459

weekend_linklove in-lineRESEARCH OF THE WEEK

A fourth Denisovan appears.

Regular meditation helps athletes endure interval training.

“Edible” oils may partially explain the South Asian diabetes epidemic.

When autophagy slows, cellular aging accelerates.

Taking 5 kilograms of broccoli crammed into a single pill is great for a diabetic’s blood sugar numbers.

Our relationship to the Neanderthals just got even more complicated.

It doesn’t matter for muscle adaptations whether you take protein before or after your workout.

Ritalin use during childhood may have long-term effects on neurotransmitters.


Episode 176: Mark Sisson and Derek Flanzraich: I chat with Derek Flanzraich, the founder of Greatist, one of the greatest (sorry) new media empires dedicated to healthy living.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

How drug companies wine and dine docs.

Steven Hamley’s take on the AHA’s advisory on fats.

Media, Schmedia

How will the Trump administration affect psychedelic research?

Spending just three days on a hunter-gatherer diet (with actual hunter-gatherers, the Hadza) has immense benefits for gut bacteria diversity.

Everything Else

An interesting podcast about running as a spiritual practice.

An evolutionary trade-off: short stature and worse arthritis for surviving an ice age.

A Western man discovers how feeble and immobile his body has become, then starts along the road to fix it.

Why ancient Roman concrete is still standing.

A new squat toilet, kind of.

You should side-roll, sit, balance, and crawl before you run.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Instagram account I’m really digging: Isaac Rochell, an LA Charger who’s transformed his body and health with a ketogenic diet.

Success story I’m loving: Joe DiBernardo. Joe is a former NFL linebacker who’s using Primal health and eating principles to improve his own health, grow his health coach business, and change the lives of his clients.

I’d love to flip through these (carefully, of course): The crumbling ancient texts that may contain life-saving cures.

Article I’m pondering: How smell links to memory, flavor, emotions, in excruciating detail. 

Excuse the source: The benefits of beef against Alzheimer’s disease.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Jul 9– Jul 15)

Comment of the Week

My take-away from all the links is… eat lots of chocolate.

– That’s often a safe take-away, KidPsych.

The post Weekend Link Love – Edition 459 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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