Monday, July 31, 2017

Why You Should Always Clean Your Makeup Tools

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If you wear makeup on a regular basis or watch “how to” makeup tutorials, then you probably know which makeup brush to use for concealing, applying foundation and contouring. Are you aware that you should be cleaning your brushes regularly? Washing your brushes (and sponges) should be a vital part of your beauty routine. Dirt, oil and bacteria may get trapped in the bristles, which leads to clogged pores, which in turn leads to breakouts. Also, makeup tools can sometimes be a bit pricey, so proper cleaning extends the life of your brushes, protecting your investment.

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So start your beauty regimen off right by following these quick and easy tips to deep clean your makeup brushes.

1. Dampen the brush/sponge with warm water or use shallow bowl.
2. Add a few drops of dish detergent, castile soap or baby shampoo.
3. Gently work the product into the brush/sponge.
4. Rinse and repeat until the water runs clears.
5. Lay them flat on cloth to dry.

If you would like to watch step-by-step instructions, watch these 2 tutorials below.

1. Quickest Way to Deep Clean Your Makeup Brushes, by Taylor Anise
Taylor soaks her brushes first before she cleans them. She uses the Sigma Beauty Spa Express Brush Cleaving Glove to remove makeup from her brushes in this super quick and easy tutorial.

2. How to Clean Beauty Blenders & Makeup Brushes, by Kathryn Bedell
Kathryn uses coconut oil, dish soap and an antimicrobial lotion soap to clean her tools. She notes that the coconut oil is the key to the break down the of makeup.

In addition to cleaning them properly, be sure to store your tools in a spacious, clean environment. Place them in a way so the bristles are not in contact with each other. These tips will help preserve the life of your tools, but if you notice shedding, cracked handles or your make looks patchy ...then you know it is time to replace them. So, take the time to properly care for your makeup tools. Your skin will thank you for it.

How often do you clean your makeup tools? Please share below.
Monica is a Milwaukee native, wife, mother of two, step mother of one and working professional.  In her spare time she enjoys reading,  shopping and following the current trends of natural hair, beauty and health, all while pursuing her Bachelors Degree in Business Management and Leadership. You can follow her on Instagram@allbeautyandhair and Twitter @allbeautynhair.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Makeup Tips For Women With Sensitive Skin


By Monica Williams

Sensitive skin can affect people of all ages and complexions. If you suffer from this particular skin type, then you know irritations can arise easily for several different reasons. Sometimes your skin will rebel against you due to harsh cleansing, trying new products, climate change or chronic skin sensitivity. This can result with unpleasant sensations (stinging, burning, pain and tingling). Regardless of the cause, it’s important to learn how to pamper your skin and avoid common irritants. Here are 5 tips for you to try!

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Read Product Labels
Look for products that are preservative and fragrance free. These are commonly known to irritate the skin and cause break outs.

Choose Cosmetics Carefully
Try using a mineral powder—most of which are free from preservatives and artificial dyes—or a silicone-based foundation to lessen the likelihood of irritation. Avoid liquid eyeliners because they often contain latex which also may cause irritation. Lastly, don’t forget to toss old cosmetics, and clean your brushes regularly.

Test First, Apply Second
When considering new makeup products, always do a dime size patch test on a small inconspicuous patch of skin before applying.You can apply behind your ear or the side of your neck. This test should take place 24 hours prior to full makeup application. This will ensure enough time for signs of redness or irritation of the skin.

Cleanse Properly
Try washing your face with lukewarm water and use gentle, fragrance free cleansers and exfoliates to minimize the likelihood of stripping oils from your skin. Blot dry after washing and immediately apply light moisturizer for maximum absorption.

Use Sunscreen
I cannot stress the importance of wearing sunscreen enough. Sensitive skin is EXTRA sensitive to the sun. Wear sunscreen year-round with SPF 30 or higher to protect your delicate skin for the harmful UV rays. Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion is fragrance fee and non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog pores or cause breakouts. Always apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before sun exposure.

Do you have sensitive skin? How do prepare for makeup application?
Monica is a Milwaukee native, wife, mother of two, step mother of one and working professional.  In her spare time she enjoys reading,  shopping and following the current trends of natural hair, beauty and health, all while pursuing her Bachelors Degree in Business Management and Leadership. You can follow her on Instagram@allbeautyandhair and Twitter @allbeautynhair.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Audra McDonald Opens Up About Her Suicide Attempt

Sara Krulwich/The New York Times

Audra McDonald is known for her stage presence. She commanded the theatre and television, earning six Tony awards, two Grammy awards, and an Emmy--but now she's sharing a story that hasn't been seen on Broadway.

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The successful singer and actress revealed that while enrolled at Julliard, she battled depression, attempting suicide when she was at her lowest point.

As a college student at New York City's most prestigious arts institution, the Private Practice star faced a ton of pressure. “The combination of being where I wanted to be, in New York City, thinking I’m finally going to realize my dreams, stuck and failing miserably at Julliard," in addition to a rough breakup was "...the straw that broke the camel’s back. But it was three years of 'I’m in the wrong place doing the wrong thing.'"

Feeling lost and alone, "I had a suicide attempt," Audra revealed. "I tried to slit my wrist."

Thankfully, she was able to get help. “When someone is suicidal, one of the first things you have to do is to protect them from themselves,” she explained. “They had a mental health facilitator there, a therapist there and they checked me into a mental health hospital where I was for a month and got me the help I needed.”

Every year, more than 19 million Americans suffer from some type of depressive illness, but Black women are among the most undertreated groups for depression in the nation. Audra explained that she wasn't able to tell anyone how she felt. "Not being able to admit to anybody at home what was going on. Not able to go home because I would look like a failure.”

Antidepressants and career opportunities also helped treat her depression. Once she left the hospital, "Julliard was like... 'We think that that musical theater thing is more for you anyway. That seems to be where you're the happiest." She took on a stage role in the national tour of The Secret Garden, and the rest is history.

If you are depressed, you're not alone. Call the suicide hotline at (800) 273-TALK (8255), or text 741741 from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor. ​

Have you had any challenges with suicide or depression? What have you done to overcome these experiences?
Tiffani Greenaway is the wife and mom behind MyMommyVents, a New York city parenting blog. Her tips have been seen on Yahoo Parenting, Mommy Noire, and Fit Pregnancy. Find more of Tiffani's work at

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Summer Hair Trends You Should Try


by Mary Wolff

Summer Hair Trends

When it comes to trying something new, summer seems like the right time of year for experimenting.  If you’re feeling a little bored with the same old look, try something new with these fun summer hair trends!

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Bold Color

Summer is the perfect time to step up your color game and this is one of those summer hair trends that comes around every year. While coloring your strands can add stress, a great way cut back on that potential for damage is to only seasonally color your hair. Summer is the perfect time for a bold red, a playful blonde, or even just adding highlights to your hair. One of the more daring looks for summer is to try something such as the grey trend that dyes hair to look like grey ash for a different take on summer color. The unicorn look is also still a hot option, but you may want to simply add a few streaks of color instead of doing your entire head, since the trend requires a lot of upkeep and has more potential for damage than a simple one-color approach. Although, a popular option is to create a rainbow color uses pre-colored box braids which is a great way to get in the summer trends without risking damage to your natural strands.

The It Cuts

There are tons of ways to wear your hair in the summer to keep it healthy and beautiful. When looking for a haircut for summer that is a trendy option for naturals, the beachy bob is a great choice. It keeps your hair length to around chin length which leaves plenty of room for styling versatility and is perfect for those trying to maintain some length. To take this look up a notch for summer, the pixie cut is definitely back in demand. This cut is shorter and is great for when you want to feel a little freer and cooler while keeping curls off the back of your neck during those unbearably hot months. For the more extreme fashionable curly, the shaved head or buzz cut is back in full swing for summer. This is one of the easiest cuts for summer since styling it won’t be an issue, but the upkeep of regular cuts and the eventual regrowth process could be a concern. If you’re feeling bold, a shaved head cut is a great way to show off that boldness.

The Hot Style

One of the hottest trends for summer is long box braids. While you may think of this as more of a fall style, there is a beachy goddess vibe to those long, beautiful braids that’s making them a look of the season. This look is also great because it can help minimize the stress on your natural strands as long as they are installed properly to avoid tugging. Box braids can be worn in any length, but this summer look is definitely on the side of the longer, the better.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Dear Mark: Keto Reset Eating Plan, Better Weight Scales, PB Fitness Carb Requirements, and the Best Fish Sauce

Inline_Dear_Mark_07.31.17For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering/addressing four questions/comments. First, will my new Keto Reset book provide detailed meal plans or vague recommendations? Second, is there a better weight scale than the scale? Mathieu thinks there is, and I agree. Third, if you’re doing the Primal Blueprint Fitness program, do the recommendations I made in the Crossfit and carbs posts apply? And fourth, what’s the best fish sauce?

Let’s go.

First, Vee asks:

I’ve read the article above [Definitive Guide to Keto], and quite a bit of the comments below, but what I would like to know is just how detailed is this book going to be? I’m one of those people who need a plan laid out with measurements, not with eat this per so much per lean body mass, etc. I need amounts like tsp, tbsp, cups, oz, etc. Also, I pre-ordered Dr. Mercola’s book, Fat for Fuel, and was completely disappointed when I got it. i thought there would be a definitive plan to follow, but I shut the book, never to look at it again when I read about all the testing he suggested on a daily basis,as well as many blood tests that he suggested in addition to that, as well as ‘keeping your doctor apprised’ of what you’re doing. Huh? I avoid doctors as much as possible except in emergency situations, pretty much I need to be unconscious to go. (many bad experiences with MDs), so I was very disappointed with his book – drs. pretty much just throw RX drugs at you if you have a “medical” condition, so the best thing I can of is try to take care of myself thru diet, exercise, and relaxation.. I just don’t feel that eating should be so darned complicated. Making a short question long, does your book have a detailed eating plan so I can easily come up with menus I’d like to follow?? Thank you!

Oh, yeah. I include not just one, but two 21-day meal plans. Each is incredibly detailed.

The first is for the 21-day metabolism reset—which helps you build the necessary metabolic machinery to make keto work better and go more easily. The second 21-day plan is for actually going keto—for getting into and staying in nutritional ketosis. Both remove the guesswork. If you eat the food and follow the recipes and portion recommendations, you’ll hit the macronutrient ratio that results in ketosis (for most people).

While you very well could stick to the 21-day meal plans laid out in the book for the rest of your life, I’d urge you to branch out a bit. You might want to adjust your level of ketosis to include more carbohydrates and protein. You might want to pick up a new sport or attempt a new physical challenge that requires a different macronutrient ratio. You might get tired of the same meals. Basically, you should be able to adjust on the fly depending on what you need out of your body. My upcoming book provides that information, if you’re willing to give it a shot.

Stay tuned for it. It sounds like it’s exactly what you’re looking for.

Mathieu made a great comment that I had to build upon and support with evidence because I think it’s so important:

That’s also why the best weight scale is a mirror ?

Or a belt. Or a tape measure. Or that one article of clothing you’ve been trying to fit into.

People may think Mathieu and I are being flippant, but we’re not. Subjective impressions are often more reliable and representative of a person’s health than objective measurements. Take apparent age based on facial appearance—it’s a better predictor of health and longevity than objective biomarkers.

Brandi asked:

Mark, this was a GREAT post. I’m wondering how or if this advice applies to those of us that are doing the Primal Blueprint’s regular type of strength + sprint training combo – i.e., a PEM 2x per week plus a sprint session 1x every 7-10 days, plus low-intensity activity every other day. Does the “highER carb / lowER fat” on PEM / Sprint days apply for those of us NOT engaged in HIIT? Guess I’m wondering if all training session days deserve this consideration, or if it’s just applicable for CF’ers and folks engaging in HIIT. Signed, Legitimately Scared of Carbs…

There’s a big difference between true sprints (where you’re achieving full or close to full recovery in between sprints), HIIT (where you keep rest periods short to promote endurance adaptations), and strength training.

You can sprint quite effectively on low-carb, especially if you stick to shorter sprints (10 seconds and under). At that length, you’re primarily hitting the ATP-PC pathway. That’s when you convert the creatine phosphate stored in the muscle directly into ATP. It doesn’t last long—we can’t store much creatine phsophate at once—but it produces incredible power and refills rather quickly with adequate rest. Longer sprints will start really tapping into the glycolytic (sugar-burning) pathway.

Lower-rep, higher-intensity strength training with longer rest periods is also very effective on low carb, as it, too, primarily targets the ATP-PC pathway and allows sufficient rest to replenish it. Higher-rep training will veer into glycogen-burning. Intensity matters, too. High reps with moderate weight will burn glycogen pretty quick. High reps with bodyweight give you more leeway.

Low-carb is fine for the program you describe.

Gypsyrozbud asked:

Can someone please recommend a variety of fish sauce that I can get in Canada that does not have any sugar in it????

Red Boat is the best stuff you can buy. These reviewers agreeImagine this:

You, half-starved, in a daze after slamming your head during the storm that destroyed your ship, stumble down a mysterious beach chasing a scent. It rises above the usual briny rankness, reminding you of that time at the 4 AM tuna auction in Tsukiji market, where you realized “fishy” wasn’t always a bad thing. You come upon a fisherman. He’s squatting in front of a bowl of rice and dried pork, and the sun is overhead. It must be lunchtime. You bring your fingers to your mouth, miming, trying to convey hunger. He looks you over, squints, takes a drag on his cigarette, then fishes out an old mason jar full of murky liquid—homemade fish sauce—from a plastic shopping bag and splashes it over his rice. He hands the bowl over. You dig in, and it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted.

The way that fantasy fisherman made his fish sauce is the same way Red Boat does: fish, salt, and time.

That’s it for me, folks. Thanks for reading and be sure to give you input down below. Have a great rest of the week.


The post Dear Mark: Keto Reset Eating Plan, Better Weight Scales, PB Fitness Carb Requirements, and the Best Fish Sauce appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Weekend Link Love – Edition 462

weekend_linklove in-lineRESEARCH OF THE WEEK

The sperm count in men from North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand has declined by 50% over the last 40 years.

Sperm quality is down in dogs, too.

Birthday wishes do come true, as long as you wish to increase the cake’s bacterial levels by 1500%.

Another study shows that wearing blue blocking goggles at night boosts melatonin levels, even when you use your smartphone.

Watching TV for a few hours a week might not be so bad (and may even be good) for a kid’s brain development as long as they watch and discuss it with a caretaker.

Hip thrusts are great but don’t seem to increase sprint performance.

Turns out the Canaanites weren’t killed off.

High brain iron may precipitate Alzheimer’s.


Episode 179: Thor Conklin: Host Elle Russ chats with Thor Conklin, an entrepreneur who credits his healthy paleo lifestyle as a critical co-factor in his success.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.


How to lower your cholesterol, if you’re into that sort of thing.

This isn’t fake news.


Why Wif Hof explicitly cautions against doing his breathing techniques in or around water.

Homo erectus may have displayed human-like thinking at least 1.8 million years ago.


The overwhelming importance of conscientiousness.

DNA evidence is changing everything we thought we knew about plant and animal domestication.

How is the poke craze affecting yellowfin populations?

The first human embryos were just edited in the US using CRISPR.

It’s always nice to see a success story.


Nice take on the AHA/coconut oil controversy: From Nina Teicholz.

I hope they used avocado oil: Bob Dylan potato chips are all the rage in China.

I would have liked this guy: Japanese longevity expert who recently died at 105 had great advice for long life.

I’m glad I never got into playing football: 110/111 NFL brains were found to have evidence of CTE, the neurodegenerative disease caused by trauma.

I just did the same thing last week: Man thinks cubed butternut squash is cubed cheese, tries to return it.



One year ago (Jul 30– Aug 5)


Good stuff as always Mark I just beg you to never publish a link to an article that states eating a couple of bites of 85% chocolate every day is bad for me. ?

– Even if such a study were to come out, I’d suppress the findings with every ounce of my being, HealthyHombre.

The post Weekend Link Love – Edition 462 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Tamari and Kombu Soft-Boiled Eggs

Inline_Tamari Egg 2Hardboiled eggs are a perfect snack, but even a perfect snack can get boring sometimes. This recipe offers a slight variation—and, oh, what a difference! A mild-flavored hard-boiled egg turns into an umami flavor bomb. This egg practically melts in your mouth, thanks to a yolk that is creamy and runny instead of dry and chalky. The soft, rich middle is a delicious contrast to the salty flavor and firm texture of the outer egg white.

Try a soft-boiled egg once, and you might never go back to hard-boiled. The change is easy to make—simply boil the eggs a few minutes less. Eggs are the ultimate Primal food source, full of protein, healthy fats, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. The more ways you can enjoy them, the better. A carton of soft-boiled tamari and kombu eggs is a healthy and easy go-to snack to keep in the fridge.

(P.S. Kombu isn’t an ingredient that’s absolutely necessary for this recipe, but it’s worth adding. Steeping kombu in the marinade extracts minerals and makes these eggs an even healthier supplemental food).

Servings: 6 soft-boiled eggs

Time in the Kitchen: 25 minutes



  • 6 eggs
  • 3/4 cup warm water (180 ml)
  • ½ cup tamari* (120 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut aminos (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar (30 ml)
  • 2-inches ginger root, peeled and chopped (5 cm)
  • 1 strip kombu, broken into 2 pieces


Primal Aviary

*The saltiness of tamari can vary between brands. If your first batch of eggs is too salty, cut back on the amount of tamari used for future batches.

In a medium bowl, whisk together warm water, tamari, coconut aminos, rice vinegar, ginger and kombu. Set aside and let cool to room temperature.

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Use a large spoon to carefully set the eggs in the bottom of the pot.

For soft-boiled eggs, cook exactly 7 minutes.

While the eggs boil, fill a large bowl with water and ice.

When the eggs are done, set them gently in the bowl of ice water.

When the eggs are cool, peel while holding the egg underwater (this helps the shells come off more easily).

Submerge the eggs in the tamari marinade so they are completely covered. If the eggs aren’t completely submerged, try a different sized bowl or a jar, or, add more water.

Marinate the eggs in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and up to 8 hours (after that the eggs tend to get too salty). If refrigerated, the eggs will stay fresh for about a week out of the marinade. The marinade can be kept in the refrigerator and re-used for more eggs.

Tamari Egg 1

The post Tamari and Kombu Soft-Boiled Eggs appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Friday, July 28, 2017

Tiffany Haddish Is Starring In New Comedy Series Created by Jordan Peele

Tiffany Haddish stars in live-action comedy film Girls Trip
Photo Credit: Michele K. Short/Universal Studios

Have you watched the film “Girls Trip” yet? If your answer is “no”, then you need to go see it NOW! The history-making, box office hit is worth the $10 ticket, and deserves a stamp of approval for a sequel!

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If you did see the movie, then you know how hilarious Tiffany Haddish is, and more than likely, you want to see her in more funny roles!

Well, your wishes have been granted, because this fall, she’ll be starring in a TBS show called “The Last O.G.”, created by record-breaking director Jordan Peele (“Get Out”) and John Carcieri (“Vice Principals”).

Also starring Tracy Morgan, TBS says the show:

“...centers on Tray (Morgan), an ex-con who is shocked to see just how much the world has changed when he is released from prison for good behavior after a 15-year stint. Returning to his newly gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood, he discovers that his former girlfriend, Shay (Tiffany Haddish), has married an affable, successful white man (Ryan Gaul) who is helping raise the twins (Taylor Mosby & Dante Hoagland) Tray never knew existed. Wanting nothing more than to connect with his kids, but having neither the money to support them nor himself, Tray falls back on the skills he learned in prison to make ends meet while treading unfamiliar territory.”

Based on this dynamic storyline, it might be worth watching for a few laughs, lessons and surprises.

Cedric the Entertainer plays the head of the halfway house where Tray stays, and Dante Hoagland (Young Michael Bivins in “The New Edition Story”) and Allen Maldonado (“black-ish”, “Survivor’s Remorse”) co-star. Guest stars include Malik Yoba, Heather Simms (“Law & Order”) and more.

Morgan, Peele, and Carcieri will executive produce the comedy along with Eric Tannenbaum, Kim Tannenbaum and Joel Zadak of Principato Young.

The series premiere is Tuesday, Oct. 24, with back-to-back episodes at 10 and 10:30 p.m. (ET/PT). Subsequent episodes will air Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. (ET/PT).

Are you a new Tiffany Haddish fan? What do you think about the new show she’ll be in? Are you going to tune in?
Sharee Silerio is a St. Louis-based freelance writer, Film and TV writer-producer, and blogger. When she isn’t creating content for The Root or The St. Louis American, she enjoys watching drama/sci-fi/comedy movies and TV shows, writing faith and self-love posts for, relaxing with a cup of chai tea, crafting chic DIY event décor, and traveling. Review her freelance portfolio at then connect with her on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Success Story Follow-Up: Each Modification Has Built on What I Had Established

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

Like many other Mark’s Daily Apple readers, I spent most of my life with my eye on the destination or goal and, for the most part, ignored the journey. I can’t say that this approach was a bad one as I had been chugging along for fifty years having moderate success achieving my education, career and personal goals. I applied the same goal orientation to weight management/exercise and would consistently hit the goals (ex. target weights, miles run, etc.) I set but seemed to never get healthier as things would fall apart when I achieved the goal I set. After multiple successful diet and exercise campaigns over the years followed by returning to my old unhealthy ways, I ballooned up to 240 pounds in 2012 and began to see the onset of my health deteriorating as a result of this yo-yo approach to health management.

Then, five years ago, I began the most important impactful journey of my life…the path to living a healthy, long life. Except, I didn’t know I was even on this journey. I started out, as I described in my first Mark’s Daily Apple contribution, with a decision to go to a gluten free diet to address a gall bladder condition. After doing research and reading The Primal Blueprint, I then extended my diet and made a few lifestyle changes to primal. I felt the best I ever felt and this awesome feeling sent me on this journey to better health.

While I wasn’t conscious of it, this journey was very different as I didn’t have a specific set target, such as losing a set number of pounds or training for a marathon, in mind. I was simply focused on better health. It was similar to the approach one would use during their education journey. We don’t focus on one subject or one experience. The most effective educational journeys are the ones where we integrate studies in many areas with social and cultural experiences to achieve personal enrichment. Getting educated is about the series of experiences (journey) and not about simply getting the degree (destination). In fact, the very best educations are the ones that result in lifelong learning and extend beyond the degree.

I applied this same multi-discipline educational approach to getting “better health.” Unlike every other journey in my life, I was not focused on the end game but became totally focused on the journey. I didn’t plan it this way. It just happened. The journey, itself, became so fulfilling that I never wanted to reach “the goal.” This was counterintuitive for me as every other journey in my life I was riveted on reaching “the goal.” Like many educational journeys, my health journey was about learning about multiple disciplines and then, selectively, incorporating them into my way of life one layer at a time. The layering effect has had a snowballing effect. Each new health layer I added in made me feel better and made me even more motivated to find the “next layer.” After the decision to layer in a primal diet on top of my gluten free diet, I then consciously looked at my cardio-obsessed approach to exercise to incorporate exercise modifications as part of my lifelong journey to better health.

Each of these disciplines (ex. diet, exercise) of my lifelong health journey have developed into sub journeys. For example, my approach to diet started out as a gluten-free modification to my diet back in 2012. Shortly later, I then layered in the Primal Diet. Several years later, after many hours of research, I layered in the Ketogenic diet along with intermittent fasting (16 -18 hour daily fasts) on top of the primal diet. The important point is that each of these modifications build upon what I have established and are refinements. I am not starting one diet fad, throwing it away, and then adopting another diet fad. I also continue to look to find ways to continue to improve my way of eating as part of my lifelong health journey I am on and expect that I will be able to share new modifications if we speak in a year.

Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 6.09.10 AMMy exercise journey has evolved from my previous lifelong focus on just distance running back to an incorporation of some weight and core training when I started “the journey.” During the last couple of years, I have layered in High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and yoga on top of my cardio/weight/core exercise platform. Given the value of exercise, I have made it a larger priority and have increased my exercise time from a few hours a week to about ten hours a week. At times this can be demanding with family and job responsibilities, but there are plenty of ways to find a few extra hours in a 168 hour week. There are so many new and exciting programs that I can’t wait to learn about to see if it will become the next layer.

One of the most powerful disciplines in this journey is what I learned about the potential of the mind. The mind is incredibly powerful and can be unleashed to heal just about anything. There is a famous saying that, “where your mind goes, your body follows.” By applying positive thinking and visualizing the results I wanted, I have been able to achieve more. It’s mind over body. Your mind is very much interconnected to your body. I have learned the importance of controlling stress and being happy. When you are stressed, your body creates hormones like cortisol. Too much cortisol increases risk of disease like cancer. The world is stressful. I realized the need to find ways to de-stress. Many do meditation. I have practiced thoughtful breathing and focusing on “staying present” as powerful relaxation techniques. Thoughtful breathing entails closing my mouth and taking deep breaths in and concentrating on the cleaning air going in and through your body and exhaling cleansing breaths. This really helps when I am trying to fall asleep. Staying present is thoughtfully working to focus on thinking and enjoying the present moment. When I take a walk now, have a conversation or exercise, I try not to my mind wander off to think ahead what is coming up. Staying present and enjoy the moment lowers stress. One of the best ways for me to de-stress is to exercise regularly. I have layered in massage and recently went to my first reflexology session to aide in stress relief and relaxation.

As part of my journey, I have developed a new level of respect for a couple of other basic life disciplines such as sleeping well and getting enough sun. I became aware of how important it is to get enough sleep and the need to sleep during the right hours at night. This level of consciousness about sleep has resulted in feeling much more rested. I also became aware that too little sun (and the Vitamin D you get) is a far bigger health risk than too much sun. I try to get 20 minutes of direct sun light a day without sun block.

June 2016Another major discipline in my journey is awareness around toxin intake and the importance of detoxifying. Toxic buildup increases risks of disease like cancer. The air, food supply and water have become increasingly more contaminated and can have a massive effect on your health and longevity. I realized the need to work hard to minimize the amount of toxins I was consuming and, also, how to get rid of the toxins (detox) that I knew I was retaining. I shifted from drinking bottled water (stored in plastic containers) to drinking filtered water.

After learning about its value, we prioritized buying clean (organic), whole food and realized that the costs to deal with medical issues were way more than the cost of buying clean food. Despite working hard to limit harmful intake, I realized the importance of getting rid of the toxins that I was soaking up. For this reason, we purchased an infrared sauna and use it daily. The sweat that is produced contains a relatively high amount of toxic build up. It is one of the best ways to release toxins and is a wonderful way to relax. Exercise is a great way to release toxins as well. I realized that toxicity and detox apply to people, relationships and your job as well. They can have an equally destructive impact on your health as well. I saw the importance of minimizing or ending relationships that were toxic and the need to avoid spending time with negative, toxic people. I continue to look to spend more time with positive people.

My decision, five years ago, to move to a gluten free diet was the start of a health journey that I didn’t know I was starting. This was a much different approach to dealing with health issues as I was focused on the lifelong journey for better health and not to getting to an arbitrary weight goal and ignoring the other health disciplines and then return to my old habits. I know that I am only at the start of this journey and am more motivated than ever to find new layers to incorporate into this wonderful journey. I would love to learn about what others have done in their journeys.


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8 Sweet Lessons in ‘Queen Sugar’ Season 2, Episode 7

Relationships are tough. Whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, fellow professionals or the general public, interacting with, getting through to, and understanding others can be difficult.

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Last night’s episode of Queen Sugar explores this aspect of life, especially the fact that we are often driven by what is left unspoken, unattended and buried within.

Grief pushes our secrets, deep emotions, hidden beliefs and insecurities to the surface in a way that life’s day to day won’t allow. It rips the bandages off of our wounds, exposing them to us and others in a raw, heavy, intense way.

Nova, Ralph Angel and Charley are allowing their wounds to slowly come to the light, and we see
them struggle with how this affects their identities. Strong can only last so long in the face of pain.

We also get a glimpse of their perceptions of themselves, contrasted with the way the people they know and love view them.

It is powerful storytelling, with a beautiful side of wisdom, reality, hope, love and healing.

This episode, titled “I Know My Soul”, starts where last week’s episode ended – in the midst of the chaos, anger, disappointment and betrayal following Ralph Angel’s confession.

Here is my “Reel Noire” recap of yesterday’s episode, on the lessons and moments that grabbed my soul:

1. You become what you think. You are what you think. Guard your thoughts. Everything that flows from you starts in your mind. Get your mind right.

Everything starts off with Charley, Ralph Angel and Nova arguing about who’s at fault for Ernest working as a janitor, Ralph Angel mentioning that he discussed the letter with his parole officer, then Nova demanding that she sees the letter Ernest wrote. After Ralph Angel leaves to get the letter and brings it to the house, they all sit down at the table while Aunt Vi reads the will. In the letter, Ernest writes, “You, Ralph Angel, are more than you know...Whatever happened, whatever you’ve done in the past, never forget that you are better than you think. That you are smarter than you think. You are stronger than you think.”

2. Sometimes we don’t get what we deserve, good or bad.

After the reading of the will, Charley has a conversation with Aunt Vi, where she tells her how she always made her feel at home when she visited, including how much it meant to her. She adds that everything has been about Ralph Angel since she’s returned, but she needs help too. She asks, “Ralph Angel went to prison because he did something to make that happen. But what did I do, to deserve what I’m going through?”

3. Look at people, places and circumstances for what and who they are. Take an honest look, without judgment. Accept what is true.

Charley goes to Ralph Angel’s house to talk. She asks him how he’s going to operate the farm if she doesn’t fund it, and he says, “I’ll do what I gotta do.” She asks, “What does that mean?” and RA replies, “I’ll figure things out, just like pop did.” Charley responds, “Daddy never figured it all out.” RA tells her not to talk about their dad like that, then Charley adds, “I loved him just as much as you. I’m just dealing with what is, not with how I want things to be.”

4. Sometimes the best thing to do is ask for help.

Throughout their conversation, Charley tries to get RA to understand that running the farm is much more than sowing seeds and gathering the harvest. She has the experience, resources and knowledge that he needs to run the business side of the farm, but he insists on doing it on his own. He even tells her, “I don’t want to be asking you for nothing.”

5. Family is everything. Always.

Nova uses her investigative skills to dig up some information about the farm, then goes to Aunt Vi’s house to talk about her discovery that Aunt Vi used to own a part of the land. During their conversation, Aunt Vi tells Nova about the history of her and Ernest’s relationship, and discloses that her ex-husband drew a wedge between them. She tells Nova that when she divorced him, she sold her portion of the land to Ernest, and adds that although they weren’t on speaking terms, he was still her brother. She says, “He was right, I was wrong, but when it counted, he was there. Yeah, I lost the land, but I got back my freedom, independence, and most important, I got my brother back. So frankly, I got the better part of the deal. Baby, compared to family, that land ain’t nothing but a mess of pottage. Love always comes first.”

6. Stand up for yourself when you aren’t being loved or treated the way you want to be loved or treated.

During their heated argument about their father’s will, Charley receives a call from Remy about a deal from a new farmer. She needs paperwork drafted as soon as possible, and instructs Darla to go to the mill and prepare it. Ralph Angel tells Darla to stay with him, because he needs her, and Charley urges her to go, as it’s an emergency.

Outside, Darla tells RA that the reason she’s working for Charley is because she lost her job trying to help him with the farm, then she leaves.

Later on, Darla comes to the house to spend time with Blue, and RA is still mad. She lets him know that she won’t let his issues with her affect her relationship with her son, adding, “I’m not going to let your anger get in the way of me seeing Blue.”

7. Dark times don’t last forever. Keep going. Keep living.

Hollywood visits Ralph Angel on the farm with a couple of beers in hand, signaling that it’s time for a bro chat. RA expresses how it feels like everything he wants and has been working for – the farm, his romance with Darla, his family, is crumbling. “This feels different. Everything pops thought I could be is falling apart. I don’t know what to do.” In Hollywood fashion, he responds with a plan of action, rooted in wisdom: “You gone wake up, every day. You gone work this land. You gone be a good father to Blue. You gone do what every other farmer around here does. And in due time, this too shall pass.”

8. Why you do what you do is just as important as you doing it. The truth hurts. Don’t run from it, confront it.

Earlier in the episode, Remy calls Charley out for using her divorce as part of her business plan for the mill, and proceeds to call her “calculating”, instead of “thoughtful”, which is how her father described her.

Later at the mill, Charley is rehearsing her responses to interview questions, when the reporter suggests that they wrap things up. He asks her, “How would your father feel, about you reinventing yourself as a budding agricultural industrialist?” She responds, “Well, I’m not reinventing myself, as much as I’m’m using my asked what my father would feel, right? I don’t know.”

In this moment, she realizes that what Remy said about her is true.

Well, sugar lovers, next week’s episode is the midseason finale of “Queen Sugar”! Take a first look at the episode here.

Did you watch the latest episode of “Queen Sugar”? What moments stood out to you?
Sharee Silerio is a St. Louis-based freelance writer, Film and TV writer-producer, and blogger. When she isn’t creating content for The Root or The St. Louis American, she enjoys watching drama/sci-fi/comedy movies and TV shows, writing faith and self-love posts for, relaxing with a cup of chai tea, crafting chic DIY event décor, and traveling. Review her freelance portfolio at then connect with her on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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How Black Women are Redefining Body Image Through Social Media

How often do you feel that the portrayal of black women’s bodies is narrow, misconstrued?
Or maybe you feel that it’s hyperbolic, exaggerated.

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In such an advanced digital age where women are now able to share their individual experiences with body image through platforms like Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, it is important to recognize the diversity of these stories.

Far too often will you go through an experience in your life and feel alone when you have no one else to relate to or look up to. Like dealing with scars after a double mastectomy. Or having the desire to try something new but not believing you are good enough to do it. Or even being afraid to take your wardrobe to the next level because you think certain colors look bad on your dark/light skin.

These are the narratives of many black women in America, but how they play out is different for each and every one of us. Here are a couple of women who are using their social media platforms, whether it be their Instagram or blog, to show the world how they are creating their own narratives:

Christina S. Brown
Christina is the creator of Instagram account, Brown Girls Love, and the Love Brown Sugar blog. Brown has worked with a number of brands outlets like BET Networks, UPTOWN Magazine, and Dove. With over 6 years of experience in her line of work, Brown has created a platform through which the diversity of black women’s beauty can thrive - fashionably.
The Brown Girls Love Instagram page displays a number of black female celebrities, non-celebrities, activists, artists, models, and more of all shades, sizes, and shapes. With over 17,000 followers, this account is a great source of inspiration for women who find it important to embrace diverse, multicultural backgrounds and body types.

The editors of Love Brown Sugar highlight the uniqueness of black fashion in that fashion is interpreted differently for every woman and fits uniquely to every woman’s size.

Jessamyn Stanley
Jessamyn Stanley is a self-identified “Yoga Enthusiast and Fat Femme” who “uses high energy vinyasa flow as a way to move past mental and emotional barriers.” With a focus on the question of how one feels when practicing yoga rather than how one looks, Stanley is storming her way through the predominantly white yoga industry. Having been featured in a number of media outlets like The Daily Mail and New York Magazine, Stanley uses her Instagram and Tumblr to showcase her personal journey as a yogi while spreading body positivity. Her pictures dispel common myths like yoga teachers have to be white and skinny or that it’s dangerous for bigger people to be flexible or even teach yoga. They also serve as a source of inspiration to other black women who are scared to participate in mindful practices like yoga or pilates because of their weight. Stanley connects with her followers through a forum on her blog where she answers tough questions like why she uses words like “whore” and “bitch” and whether or not she understands that the West is culturally appropriating yoga without recognizing its Hindu roots in many spaces. You can also check out Stanley's home yoga sessions on her YouTube channel.

Ericka Hart
Last year, "sexuality educator", "cancer-warrior", and "activist", Ericka Hart took Afro Punk by surprise when she decided to go topless at the New York music festival. With her bare breasts on full display, Hart felt the desire to show people that “this could happen to [them]”, she explained in an interview with Hello Beautiful. What she meant was that other women could also be diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer if they neglected to take steps like conducting breast self-exams at home. Since then, Hart’s story has been featured in various media outlets like Refinery29, Dutch, and Cosmopolitan.

From losing her nipples from a double mastectomy to losing her dreadlocks through chemotherapy, Hart has reclaimed her losses by proclaiming the “sexy” of being a breast cancer survivor. Her Instagram is a mural of topless photos, many of them showing her breast with artistic paintings and designs. “I want to reclaim my sexuality. I want people to see me beyond breast cancer,” she states. “I want people to see breast cancer patients beyond pink… I’m just tired of that single narrative.” That ‘single narrative’ is the one in which photos of black women who’ve had a double mastectomy are few to none. It is the tendency for breast cancer survivors to be portrayed through a tunneled vision that forgets the sensuality in being a woman with transformed breasts.

Having not been connected to her breast before, Hart describers herself as now being “hypervigilant” about it. She is constantly explaining her body to people, spreading awareness about breast cancer while empowering other women like her, especially black women, who are increasingly being diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out Ericka Hart’s blog to learn more about her story and the work she does.

Simone Mariposa

Simone identifies as a “plus size model, blogger, and motivational leader.” Based in Los Angeles, California, Mariposa is an inspiration to other women to embrace their physical features and have fun doing it. Her Instagram is full of photos that radiate fashion, happiness, and self-confidence. What makes Mariposa stand out is how she uses her journey in life to share important messages with the world, such as “fetishizing fat bodies does not make you body positive.” A message she shared for the men who have DM’d her expressing their infatuation with “BBWs”, which stands for Big Beautiful Women. “NOT YOUR FETISH”, it reads in her bio. Mariposa has been highlighted in various publications like Plus Model Magazine and Skorch Magazine while also having participated in campaigns like #WeWearWhatWeWant and #BEInYourSkin. Not only is Mariposa an example of being happy with yourself, but she also emanates a refusal to make herself feel small in order to make others feel more comfortable. You can also check out her Twitter here.

Deconstructing and then reconstructing your own body image is a process that begins with patience and self-love. These women signify the complexity of body image in that it is not always about weight and size, but it is also about expanding the narrative of what happiness, strength, and diversity looks like. Taking control of your own body image means taking control of how you see yourself not in comparison to other women, but with grace. And then confidence.

Ariel is a 23-year old SoCal native, working professional, and Alumna of the University of California, Berkeley. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and through her studies, acquired a passion for gaining knowledge that would improve the quality of her life and further allow her to interact with and touch people in a positive way. You can follow her own blog, The Freewoman Diaries, at

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