Monday, February 22, 2016

Running Late Co-Wash n’ Go

by Jascmeen of

I’d love to say that I always stick to my weekly regimen, I never cut corners, I eat my vegetables, and I work out every day without fail. None of that is true. There are times when I’d rather sit on the couch then go run and days when I have to rush through my hair and somehow make it work.

This is my “I’m being forced to go to the club,” “The girls wanna do happy hour,” or “Of course he would ask me out for drinks on my dry day five hair,” situation. It’s not quite a co-wash and go, but by the time you do your makeup and pick out your outfit, you’ll be ready to roll.

Read On!>>>

I start by co-washing with Mixed Chicks Leave-In Conditioner, then parting my hair and raking more of the product throughout. Next I make chunky “Bye Felicia” braids all over my head, adding more product when needed.

Next I blow-dry on cool (even though I hate blow-drying of any kind) and move on to my makeup and all that fun stuff. Usually by the time I have to remove my braids they are still a tad wet. No big deal. I’m extra careful and it works just fine. I even pick my hair a bit at this stage.While it’s still a little wet? Are you crazy? Nope, not crazy. I get enough hold from the Mixed Chicks leave-in that I still have enough shape and definition to get a nice looking ‘fro.

With LA traffic on my side (for once!) my hair is fully dry but still moisturized, fluffy, and cute by the time I get to my destination. Rush through your co-wash, Bye Felicia/Travis Scott braid-out with me in this vid!

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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