Thursday, January 4, 2018

Primal Action Point: What Problem Will You Solve?

Inline_Fitness_Live-Awesome-645x445-02I have a question for you today. Maybe it’s already part of your New Year vision. Or maybe it could help clarify a goal or add a new aim to your plan.

What are you physically unable to do (comfortably) that you’d like to be able to do (comfortably)?

Just as the most effective type of exercise is the kind that you actually enjoy and are willing to do consistently, the most effective kind of fitness resolution aims to solve a problem that you actually have.

Think about the physical acts you’d like to be able to perform but currently cannot, like comfortably sit in a squat for ten minutes, play with your kids for a solid hour, hike a local mountain without feeling like you’re dying, participate in a charity 5K, do a pull-up, or deadlift twice your bodyweight. It could be anything really, as long as it’s something you actively want to do.

What deficit do you want to correct? What “problem” will you solve this year?

The post Primal Action Point: What Problem Will You Solve? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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