Monday, January 22, 2018

Primal Challenge Point: Embrace the Pleasure Principle

Inline_Live-Awesome-645x445-03A lot of people come to the Primal Blueprint having felt lousy for many years. It might be because of excess weight, medical issues, or general lack of energy.

The point is, many of these folks have forgotten how to feel—let alone cultivate—basic physical pleasure in their lives. When you live with constant pain or fatigue, it can be hard to imagine the other side of the spectrum, and that’s okay. Just take action to move yourself there—each and every day.

In other words, take the time and effort to feel good again on a daily basis. Living Primally will do its work in easing the physiological issues, but it’s important to inject pleasure into your lifestyle (e.g. get a massage, take a better bath, relish really good food, feel the sun on your face, tune into the sensory elements of your day).

The idea here is to reorient your experience of your body. Find ways to feel good, and you’ll be motivated to live a life that supports pleasure as a dimension of full well-being.

For more on the pleasure principle, continue reading here.

The post Primal Challenge Point: Embrace the Pleasure Principle appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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