Monday, January 15, 2018

Viral Sisters Dani + Dannah & Mom on God, Success, Natural Hair, and More!

Dani & Dannah
By Kanisha Parks

If you haven’t heard of sassy and sweet sisters Dani (7 years old) and Dannah Lockett (6 years old), where you been, Sis?! Since going viral with a video about Dannah’s breakup back in early 2017 (over 10 million views and shares!), these two have been dropping knowledge and sharing their love for Christ all over the web and have even been featured on the Today Show, The Steve Harvey Show, and the Real! This duo may just be getting started but it’s clear they’re here to stay!


Viral video 'after the breakup'

The girls are truly best friends, even calling each other “sister buddies,” and enjoy making videos together. They started posting about 9 months ago and since have been boldly declaring their faith via social media, holding nothing back!

“Well, if you believe in something or someone and love them so much you can’t help but tell the world about it, right!” says big sis, Dani. “We aren’t nervous about comments, and yes, we read many of them, because we know that everyone isn’t going to believe like we do and that’s ok. They didn’t believe Jesus and he was right in front of them.” Currently, attending a Christian academy, the girls say that their friends know about their success and are happy for them. 

In addition to their faith, the girls also embrace their beautiful natural hair! Their mom owns and runs Healthy Hair Studio salon in Conyers, GA and says she, Dani and Dannah, and her other two daughters are all natural. The girls share, “We love our hair and we like to wear it out, big and puffy the most! Curly hair is all we know and we tell our mom all the time it’s just fine there’s no need to brush it!” 

The girls with mom Danella
Behind the scenes is their momager, Dannella, who is their greatest supporter, fan, and prayer warrior. She discussed with me some of the challenges of running Dani and Dannah’s social media empire and having to deal with negativity, stating: 
“I just always remember that if God is for me then who can be against me and that no weapons formed against me shall prosper. God has our backs and that makes this easy. When we first got started it was a little nerve-wracking because I would deal with silly comments but then I realized everyone isn’t going to believe like I do and some people live and breathe negativity. I also realized some people are just ready to judge. Even though they have their own faults, they want to pick apart others and that’s just to make them feel better about themselves. I see this a lot in other Christians—instead of uplifting or praying for each other they are judging and gossiping. I’m not that Christian. I’m not pointing out your flaws and judging you, hoping to cover my own. So I just pray for them and go! God bless them.”She assured me that she is not a stage mom, and that the girls do this because they want to and ask to. “Some days they don’t post and that’s because they don’t want to and that’s ok. Remember when God gives you a gift with an assignment you want to do it every chance you get!”
Dani & Dannah on The Real
Dannella’s hopes for her daughters are that they continue to inspire others and that God’s perfect will be done in their lives. In the future, Dani and Dannah say they would like to work with Oprah and BeyoncĂ©. Check out their cuteness via their social media!

Do you follow any young youtubers?

Kanisha is a Christian writer/author based in Augusta, GA. Other than, she has also written for BlackNaps.organd Devozine, and has authored a book of poetry entitled, "Love Letters from the Master." Kanisha can be contacted for business inquiries at 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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