Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tell It Tuesday: The Ugly Side Of Beauty

K. Michelle before butt implant removal
By Ta-ning Connai

Looks ain't everything, yet the women of reality TV and the pop culture icons of Instagram seem to think otherwise. They are the self-proclaimed leaders of the new so-called Feminist Movement who obsessively promote themselves and all things shallow, while promoting a sisterhood amongst their fans by encouraging them to embrace their bodies, love themselves and feel empowered by taking half-naked selfies ALL. DAY. LONG. Now wait a minute...you’re a champion of self acceptance, yet you didn’t accept yourself until AFTER all your major cosmetic procedures??? Oh ok.


K. Michelle
Two celeb forerunners of the most recent plastic surgery phenomenon have recently had their implants removed. K. Michelle, who was honest early on, stated she was very unhappy about the enormity of her new bottom and the unforeseen problems it brought along. Amber Rose always denied having any work done, yet there are before photos that say otherwise.

Amber Rose
At any rate, she's recently had her H cup juggs “reduced,” perhaps back to their normal size. I guess being deliberately known for your banging bod is not all it's cracked up to be. But what does this all mean for the average women who scrambled together lots of hard earned cash just to follow in their footsteps? Let it be noted that implants are not something you can just take off like makeup or a wig. And the repercussions can be a helluva lot more than just simple regret.

Well, in case you didn't notice, there’s a war going on in the hearts of young girls and women worldwide and your tools for victory are destroying them. Great job on using your celebrity to perpetuate the message that they’re not good enough as they are. Any woman who does such a thing should really think twice about contributing to this sudden wave of superficial power and fake self esteem. Demonstrating a false sense of confidence on the outside instead of radiating it from the inside just won’t last, no matter how good your plastic surgeon and photo filters are.

These social media phenoms have (albeit unintentional) sided with the many men, ad agencies, make up brands and publication giants that pressure us CONSTANTLY about how we should look in order to belong. They try to make us believe that the obsessive pursuit of physical perfection is the key to success, relational bliss and self-love. Going all out to get that face, hair and body snatched can be downright fun, but to dramatically alter one’s self to unrealistic proportions is simply a whole ‘nother level.

Things Change.

I got teased for a lot of things in school, but because of my full lips I used to get called Chewbacca (the Star Wars ape with the blue eyes). If I’d had the money (and my mother’s permission) to have them surgically reduced, I would have. Now decades later, people are filling their faces with deadly poison just to get the same effect. But they don’t know I used to hide in the bathroom during lunch just to get relief from the taunting. Like I said, things change.

It’s time to come to terms with who God made us to be, regardless of the lies we sometimes believe. In Psalms 139: 14, He describes us as His most brilliant workmanship ever created! He says we are marvelous and wonderfully made! And until we believe that, we will never be satisfied.

Have you ever altered your looks just to realize you were better off before?

TA-NING is a former model and clothing designer who one day got the "call" to leave the fab world of fashion behind. While in Bible College, she discovered her knack for mixing her quirky style of writing with her gift to teach. TA-NING'S TELL IT TUESDAY is a weekly column (originally launched on Facebook) that uses doses of pop culture to tear down the walls of churchy tradition, change the face of Christianity, and present it's message in a lively way. Ta-ning resides in Santa Monica (by way of BK), is obsessed with dogs, and is an old school Hip-Hop junkie!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2Bn6rUx

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