Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Brad’s Morning Routine Video: Light Movement for More Energy and Better Flexibility

Brad_InlineWith two weeks of healthy eating and Primal adaptation under our belts in this post-New Year month, it’s a good week to talk fitness.

(By the way, if you need a good primer covering the basics of Primal Blueprint fitness, this is a good place to begin. The New Primal Blueprint book offers an in-depth treatment, and you can learn more as well by browsing our hundreds of free fitness articles on MDA.)

Today, my long-time friend, fellow competitor, and writing partner, Brad Kearns, is showing you his morning movement routine. And it’s different than what you’d expect, I’d venture.

This is no sweaty hour in the gym. Much of it, a series of dynamic stretches, you can do before you even get out of bed. Who’s willing to rethink their morning now?

No, this won’t count as an intense workout, but it’s part of the low-level daily movement I suggest we should all be getting more of—the fundamental base of true Primal fitness.

If you’re looking to operate from a higher baseline for a regular morning workout, or you’re looking to enhance your mobility and flexibility with a low threshold routine, I think you’ll like what Brad has to share. Enjoy!

Does this shake up your morning plan? What are you taking away from these ideas? Share your questions and thoughts, and thanks for stopping by, everybody.

Check back tomorrow for more fitness discussion—and my biggest giveaway yet this month!


The post Brad’s Morning Routine Video: Light Movement for More Energy and Better Flexibility appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2D8Rc3i

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