Monday, January 22, 2018

Women's March & White Women on What to do About White Female Trump Voters

Women's March 2018
By Erickka Sy Savané
This past weekend marked a year that Donald Trump has been our Commander-in-Thief, I mean, Chief, and the moment was not lost on women. Just like one year ago when millions of women  joined together to march and make our voices heard this year was no different. Over 250 marches were held worldwide with the focus on voter registration. With that being the case, we can't forget about white women who voted to the tune of roughly 54% to put Donald Trump in office, as well as the white female voters who threw their support behind Roy Moore (alleged pedophile) running for Senate in Alabama. Incidentally, Moore lost because black women said, 'no way in hell' and voted to the tune of 98% for opponent Doug Jones. That being said, with the mid-term elections coming up in November and another Presidential election in 2020, what can be done about these women who are like kryptonite to progress? Since many black women like myself don't know their logic, I decided to ask some white women I know in Jersey City what can be done about white female Trump voters. Here's what they had to say...


Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Mary, early- mid-30's 
Well, it's hard because a lot of these white women aren't in my circle so it's not something that I'm bumping up against every day. I think the best way I can help is to highlight these issues -- since a lot of women aren't paying attention to the facts. And, honestly, just dispel ridiculous propaganda about African Americans in general. I think that's a huge part of the problem. The racial politics at play (defaming BLM, etc.) seeks to push white woman toward upholding the patriarchy and white supremacy. There's a real method to that madness. During my day-to-day, I try to amplify Black women's voices on Twitter as well. I'm less vocal on social media now because of my new role at a news network, but I do my best to challenge alternative facts and help people see what they're voting against - their own interests. Honestly, I think white people, and white women, have taken for granted the gains we've made (social programs, equality legislation, etc.). I'm afraid they won't know what they've got till it's gone (to quote Guns and Roses).

Jess early- mid-30's 
Something that was super transformational for me was participating in a 2.5 day 'Undoing Racism' workshop with the 'People's Institute for Survival and Beyond.' Unfortunately, this stuff runs so deep and it should not be up to people of color to school white folks. But for "woke" white folks to have an impact on other white folks- we have to be willing to have those uncomfortable conversations. And we can't attack otherwise people shut down.

Janet, early 40's 
I have no idea about what can be done about white women. It's infuriating. If we are not actively fighting against the oppressors we are just as culpable. So what does it mean to actively fight? Clearly with your vote, with your voice, with your dollars if you can. It means arguing around the Thanksgiving table, it means not letting racist, sexist sh*t stand on Facebook, even if it's awkward.

I will say that I just posted on a friend's page who was spewing some white woman nonsense ....I feel like sometimes I'm shouting into a void. What's the point of getting into it with a high school friend on Facebook? And how many times can I make the same arguments? But at the same time - how dare I just sit back because (whine) I'm tired. I can't change the mind of the person who posts that stuff on Facebook, but not saying anything can't be an option. Perhaps if one person who reads her page feels empowered by seeing someone stand up - then it's worth it. It's the smallest of small things.

Angela, early 30's
I feel like there’s a big disconnect between white women in conservative areas and white women in liberal areas. These ladies seem like they live in a different universe, because if they have the same information I do, how can they come to the opposite conclusion? Maybe information is the problem? Fox News is more fiction than fact, and if these ladies aren’t making an effort to educate themselves, how do we get the truth to them? So moving forward, that's a good question...there is no way to move forward if we don’t understand what we’re up against: ignorance, lack of empathy for people who are not the same as we are, unabashed racism...I imagine the reasons are as numerous as the people voting. Maybe single issue voters willfully ignore the other issues (folks who will not budge on abortion or small government) because it “doesn’t affect them.” I wish I knew how to make people think harder about issues that “don’t affect them.”

Nancy, early-mid-30's
I wish I f*cking knew. White Southern women are crazy. I can't understand it or explain it. Can we move forward without them? I hope so because they are not getting the memo.

What do you think? Are white women doing enough to get through to other white women?

Erickka Sy Savané is managing editor of, a wife, mom, and freelance writer based in Jersey, City, NJ. Her work has appeared in,,, and more. When she’s not writing...wait, she’s always writing! Follow her on Twitter, Instagram or

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