Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Only Choice That Matters.

Today, there’s only one choice that matters. You have to stay conscious enough to choose your ‘go(o)d vibe’ over your ‘shook vibe’, regardless of circumstances.

Can you stand firm in your go(o)d feels—unbothered, unshook, smiling and at peace? Or are you gonna seemingly give ‘them’, the power to upset you again, to knock you off balance?


Don’t let their mood, their energy, bring you down. Don’t let your vibe depend on their vibe. It has nothing to do with you. Mind YOUR business. Don’t dip.

You have to do something different if you want to see something different, and it will feel unnatural until it doesn’t. You are not a victim. You are waking up to your power. I love you

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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