Thursday, December 7, 2017

Did Someone Say, 'Licorice Root For Impeccable Skin?!'

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By Jashima Wadehra

Do you know how you ALWAYS wish you had listened to what your mama told you when you were young? “Don’t wear foundation too young,” she said. “Don’t rub your eyes, you’ll get wrinkles." “Wash your hands every time you come from outside.” (I know you don’t do it EVERYtime either, don’t judge me!)

Well, I️ may not have listened to Mama every time, but I️ sure do employ her wisdom now. Like any Indian mother, my mom was always in the kitchen and would come out with some gnarly looking stuff on her face. None of that, “pretty green monster “ stuff. I’m talking real (sometimes smelly) goop.

Now before y’all start booing and ewwing, hear me out, one of the key ingredients that I️ don’t see promoted in western media is one of my holy grail kitchen to skin products; licorice root. #Canigetahollaforadollahoney!

Not only is this ingredient easy to find in any South Asian grocery store under the name of “Mulethi” it’s also fairly inexpensive and is essentially magic. I’m not kidding.

Licorice powder
Licorice root and Amla powder were the two key ingredients in the face mask my mother applied twice a week for most of my life. She has impeccable skin and I️ truly hope one day I️ too can say, I️ get it from my mama.

Licorice root has INCREDIBLE benefits, it contains brightening properties that assist in fading scars and blemishes as well as medicinal uses for health conditions like asthma. Get the lowdown on all the licorice benefits here.

Amla powder
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is rich in antioxidants and can help lower cholesterol, and has major hair benefits. Check out a CurlyNikki piece on Amla here. 

How to make the Goop:

2 teaspoons licorice root powder

1 teaspoon Amla powder

Pinch of turmeric

Squeeze of raw honey

Add water according to consistency.

Now before you go mixing ingredients trying to make your facial brew, understand that licorice root powder doesn’t thicken as much in liquid where as Amla does, try to find a happy medium. You’re looking for the consistency to resemble a thin paste.

Step 1. Remove your makeup and cleanse your skin prior to applying. Pro Indian Mom tip: use an oil to remove makeup (my fave is jojoba) and then milk or a steaming hot towel to get the gunk off your face sans chemicals and face wash!

Step 2. Apply the goop. Take disturbing Snapchat selfies, scare your children and spouse, clean up your mess and THENNNNN use warm water to soften the mask and begin exfoliating your skin with its remnants in circular motions as you rinse it off.

Step 3. Admire your soft as a baby’s bottom and brighter than sunshine skin.

Step 3. Take #NaturallyGlam selfies

Step 4. Tone with rose water and witch hazel and moisturize with Rosehip seed oil!

Mama is 53 and #SLAYING thanks to licorice root!

Let me know what you think of this monster mask or share your mama’s favorite skincare tips and tricks!

Jashima Wadehra is a writer, dancer, entrepreneur, and lover of people based in NYC.  She can be found blogging at overpriced coffee shops or on a plane heading to a new place to write about.  Follow her on instagram at @TheChatterboxlifeEnthusiast and check out her new blog  

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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