Saturday, December 16, 2017

No-Bake Keto Coconut Cheesecake

inline_cheesecake 1This is the easy-to-make, no bake, sugar-free, ketogenic cheesecake recipe you’ve been waiting for. It does not disappoint. In fact, it’s so light and airy and outrageously creamy that it qualifies as delicious cheesecake, period….that just happens to be a high-fat, low-carb, no sugar indulgence.

Here’s how easy this recipe is to make: Cream cheese and crème fraiche are whipped into a cloud-like batter that’s thickened with gelatin and flavored with coconut. The filling is poured over a simple, no-fail macadamia nut and coconut crust. Chill, garnish with toasted coconut and fresh berries, and prepare to fall in love.

Since this is no-bake cheesecake made without eggs, these decadent cheesecake bites have a light, cloud-like texture. The macadamia-coconut crust adds crunch and sweetness to each bite. In fact, the natural sweetness of the macadamia nuts and coconut, layered with the creamy flavor of whole-fat dairy, is so decadent that this dessert doesn’t actually need any added sweetener.

You read that correctly—these cheesecake bites turn out perfectly without any sweetener whatsoever. Without sweetener, the flavor is slightly tangy but still decadent. If you consider something like full-fat Greek yogurt with berries to be dessert, then you’ll love an unsweetened version of this cheesecake.

But if you crave dessert with a sweeter edge, then go ahead and add the sweetener of your choice. You don’t need to add a lot. A teaspoon or two of a sweetener like liquid stevia gives these cheesecake bites the traditional sweetness that is expected from cheesecake.

However you choose to enjoy these Ketogenic cheesecake bites—with sweetener or without—they’re sure to become a go-to dessert recipe any time you need a treat.

Servings: 12 cheesecake bites

Time in the Kitchen: 30 minutes, plus 2 hours to chill

Crust Ingredients

macadmia nut crust

  • 2 cups raw, unsalted macadamia nuts (262 grams)
  • ½ cup finely shredded, unsweetened coconut (43 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (30 ml)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (1.25 ml)

Process macadamia nuts in food processor until finely chopped. Add coconut, coconut oil and salt and pulse until the ingredients come together and the texture is similar to big grains of sand.

Use a Tablespoon measurement to drop scoops of the crust into a 12-count silicone cupcake pan (or, drape several large pieces of plastic wrap over a regular cupcake pan and press the plastic wrap into each cupcake holder, leaving overhang over the edges of the pan). Use your fingers to press the crust down evenly and firmly in the bottom of each cupcake space.

Refrigerate the crust while preparing the filling.

Cheesecake Ingredients


  • 3 teaspoons unflavored powdered gelatin (15 ml)
  • 12 ounces cream cheese, softened (340 g)
  • 1/2 cup crème fraiche (3.75 ounces/106 grams)
  • Optional: ½ to 1 teaspoon (or more) liquid Stevia or other sweetener*
  • 1 ½ teaspoon coconut flavor (7.4 ml)

*The type of sweetener, and the amount, used in this cheesecake recipe can be changed according to your preference. This cheesecake can also be made without any sweetener at all.

Dissolve the gelatin in 1 cup hot water by whisking vigorously. Set aside.

In a stand mixer, blend cream cheese until smooth. Add crème fraiche, sweetener (optional) and coconut flavor and blend until combined. With the mixer on low, slowly pour in gelatin, beating until thoroughly blended in.

Pour the batter into the cupcake pan on top of the crusts, filling each space close to the top. Chill at least 2 hours, until set.

To remove the cupcake bites, press from the bottom of the silicone cupcake pan to lift each cheesecake up. If using plastic wrap in a regular cupcake pan, carefully lift the plastic wrap up, which will lift and remove the mini cheesecakes.

cheesecake 2


The post No-Bake Keto Coconut Cheesecake appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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