Thursday, December 7, 2017

Sherri Is Naturally Glam & A Mental Health Professional To Boot!

Sherri Newson
Naturally Glam is baaaaaack with a new twist! In addition to chatting it up about our fav topic-HAIR- we’re diving in a little deeper, finding out more about the beautiful baddies that make up CurlyNikki! Up next we have Sherri, originally from North Carolina, currently residing in San Jose, CA. What makes this mama naturally glam is a combination of beauty and her work in the mental health field. Listen in as we chat about her gorgeous mane, as well as advice on what we can do if we find ourselves going through a mental struggle.

How long have you been natural
I have been natural since my big chop in May of 2014. After hearing Curly Nikki on the Morning Show, talking about being “natural” my first reaction was “Aint nobody got time for that” lol. I quickly devoured everything that was on and decided that weekend that I was done with the chemicals.

Do you have any fav black-owned products that you use?
I use Cantu Shea butter for my family and I, as well as few Mielle Organics products.

What's the best part about wearing your hair natural?
I love the fact that once I decided to go natural-I never had one thought to return back to the creamy crack. I was the only one in my immediate family with relaxed hair. My mom and two sisters, never relaxed their hair; so when I went natural, I didn’t receive any negative or mixed feelings from family. Even though my hair was healthy while relaxed, it always seemed so limp to me. I love volume and doing different things with my hair. I like that I have been able to do new styles without the use of heat all the time.

How has having natural hair contributed to your life?
I would say it has helped me rid my body of unnecessary chemicals. When I was pregnant and nursing, I hated relaxing my hair. I, like most pregnant mothers, was concerned with what I was putting in and on my body. After relaxing my hair for 16+ years, it feels good not to HAVE to do it anymore.

What do you do and why do you love it?
I currently work for my county, in the Mental Health department as a Healthcare Program Analyst. I love what I do because we provide a valuable service to so many people. I think it is extremely important and courageous to seek help mentally when necessary. Issues regarding mental health should not be swept under the rug, or disregarded because of fear or lack of knowledge.

How long have you worked in mental health and why did you get in the field?

I have worked in the mental health field for 11 years. At first, it was just to get my father out of my ear, and to obtain a job after graduating college. I have switched jobs within the field a few times, and I can finally see that what I do, can and does help others. It is not an easy field to work in, and constantly giving of yourself is hard when you don’t always feel or see a tangible return. But knowing that I am helping someone is what matters most.

What are a few things we need to know about mental illness?
Mental Illness can affect anybody in many different ways. Often, people try to hide or disguise things about themselves because they are afraid of what others may think. There is no harm in seeking an outside source that is able to provide you with an unbiased opinion. If you start to notice that you are having unwelcome thoughts, or feeling down or sad most of the time- reach out. There are so many aspects of life today that can be stressful. If you do not feel comfortable with a stranger, grab your closest girlfriend and have a wine/vent date, lol. Sometimes you just need a sounding board to release your frustrations. If it is more serious, and things in your life get to the point where you need help mentally, don’t be afraid to seek help with a trained mental health specialist.

What should we do if we or a loved one needs help mentally?
If you are looking for help and do not know where to start, a good place would be to look up your county services. If you have a Medicaid plan for your state, or are uninsured, there are services and classes that you may be able to attend or obtain free-of-charge. If you have a private plan, you definitely want to call to see if you have behavioral health/mental health coverage on your plan. You may be able to seek physicians, classes, or counseling by just paying a simple co-pay. It may take some effort on your end whether the services are for yourself, or a loved one; but knowing that you have the help you need can be a life changer.

Indeed! Thanks Sherri!

If you'd like to be featured in Naturally Glam- whether you live here or abroad- submit your photos to and answer these questions!

1) Where are you from and how long have you been natural?
2) Do you have any fav black-owned products that you use?
3) What do you do and why do you love it?
5) If you have a business, are in school, have a blog, products you sell, a job in a field you'd like to talk about, have initiatives and organizations you'd like to highlight, advice to give, or family that you are proud of and want to share, please do.
6) How has having natural hair contributed to your life? Your self-esteem?
7) What's been the best part of your natural hair journey or your hair journey in general?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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