Tuesday, December 5, 2017

First we feel Go(o)d, then we do the things. #Inspired

Feel go(o)d and then get out of bed, feel go(o)d and then give that talk, feel go(o)d and then write, feel go(o)d and then spend time with the kids, feel go(o)d and then start your work, feel go(o)d and then check your feed, or don’t! lol

When you’re feeling go(o)d, the things you do change. When you’re feeling go(o)d, the things you prioritize and invest in, change. Because that go(o)d starts flowing through you, working through you, appearing as you. You start being the REAL YOU. You eat different, you stand different, you talk different, you walk different, effortlessly. Your desires change. Your squad thins out. You become...you ‘be’ HER—the woman you always knew you had the potential to be. When you feel go(o)d, you know that all is really, really, really, truly well. It’s all go(o)d! You knew this and you forgot. You went to sleep and started dreaming this dream of hardship, fear, separation, competition and lack. You forgot, but now you’re waking up. You’re beginning to remember and it feels right, you’re feeling go(o)d. Smile. 😊 Smile, bigger. 😆 Keep smiling while you finish reading—


There’s no other way to make this life thing work. It won’t work unless you make feeling go(o)d, feeling like this (you feel that glow in your chest?), your first order of business, in every moment. When you choose go(o)d in this moment (keep smiling) and this moment and this moment, no matter what shenanigans your life situation is serving up, things just keep getting better and better for you. You realize you never had to build your confidence, or get to the root of the fear that’s been ‘holding you back’, you only had to turn within and choose go(o)d. Cause when you’re feeling go(o)d you’re confident, when you’re feeling go(o)d you can’t be scared, you can’t be jealous, you can’t be selfish, you can’t be petty. It’s so natural and so easy and YOU set it up like this and then forgot! Fucking remember. Remember. Smile. Bigger. 😆 Stay here for the rest of the day, in these feels, no matter what happens, and something beautiful will happen to show you that this is the only way. I promise you that. I love you. 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2ATV7mu

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