Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear Mark: Carbs and Serum Saturated Fat, Fat and Polyphenols, and Avocado Oil for Searing

Dear_Mark_Inline_PhotoFor today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions from readers. All three questions come from last week’s saturated fat post. First, I explore the true reason for increases in serum palmitic acid—too many carbs. Second, I investigate whether dairy or saturated fat affect polyphenol absorption, and whether it actually matters. And finally, I discuss the merits of avocado oil for high heat cooking and searing.

Let’s go:

You didn’t mention that the level of palmitic acid in serum is controlled by dietary carbohydrate – this has been known since 1955 if not earlier, and more recently demonstrated in humans by Jeff Volek’s team.

Thanks, George. Great post, by the way. Love your stuff.

I did mention that “the only time we get a huge influx of pure palmitic acid is when we eat too many carbohydrates and our liver converts the excess into palmitic acid.” That’s de novo lipogenesis, the creation of (saturated) fat from glucose. It occurs in people with overstocked liver glycogen who eat too many calories and carbs and don’t move enough. There’s nowhere for the glucose to go, since glycogen stores are full. Conversion into palmitic acid, a relatively stable energy source with unlimited storage capacity, is the only other option.

Indeed, as shown in your link, diets high in fat and low in carbs tend to either reduce or maintain saturated fat levels in the serum.  They definitely don’t increase it, which is the opposite of what most people would think. Eat saturated fat and it shows up in your blood. Right? Not necessarily. Jeff Volek’s team showed that as dietary carbohydrate increases, so do saturated fatty acids in the blood.

Dr. Barry Sears, PhD, who authored the Zone and has a background with MIT, etc., has stated since his first book that Saturated Fatty Acids are inflammatory. He recently stated on his website, “Saturated fats are pro-inflammatory compounds and will antagonize the benefits of the polyphenols.” ( September 2017) So, what is the bottom line from science?

I tracked that statement down to a message on Sears’ Twitter account where he links to an article on Well and Good about optimizing your coffee. It’s a decent article, with helpful tips on choosing the best beans and roasts for polyphenol maximization. The last tip is to add healthy fats but limit dairy, as “cream and milk actually lower the amount of polyphenols.”

Is that true? Does dairy (or saturated fat) lower polyphenol absorption?

A polyphenol-rich carob drink in a “milk matrix” was effective at lowering inflammation and improving bowel function and lipids. The milk might have blocked  some of the polyphenols—there was no dairy-free control group to compare—but even if that was true, enough obviously got through to elicit beneficial effects.

Another study compared olive polyphenol-enhanced yogurt to plain yogurt. Both yogurts helped subjects lose weight, reduce weight circumference, and lower blood pressure, but subjects who ate the polyphenol-enhanced yogurt had lower LDL and higher antioxidant levels. Clearly, the polyphenols were making it through.

Another study found that in a simulated gastric environment—artificial stomach—cheese was an excellent vehicle for green tea polyphenols, protecting their viability and biological activity.

There have been studies where the presence of dairy seems to inhibit the absorption of polyphenols, but that was due to the proteins, not the fat.

Cocoa polyphenols work just fine in the presence of milk protein, lowering oxidized LDL and increasing HDL.

Maybe it does. None of these were perfectly controlled environments. Perhaps polyphenols work well with saturated dairy fat, but they’d work even better without it. We just don’t know.

We must also remember that polyphenols don’t have to be absorbed to help us. They’re also very effective in the gut, killing pathogens and serving as prebiotic fuel for our gut bacteria. If we aren’t absorbing them, they spend more time in the gut where the magic happens.

I’m still drinking coffee with cream though. If you like it, so should you.

Hi Mark,

With respect to smoke point, is it safe to pan sear a steak using avocado oil?

Avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points. It’s a great combination of stable fats, mostly monounsaturated, and natural antioxidants like vitamin E and other polyphenols that combine to present a united front against heat damage and oxidation and make avocado oil a great choice for searing steaks.

Compared to olive oil, which is no slouch in the heat tolerance department, avocado oil matches up well. “The stability of avocado oil was similar to that of olive oil.”

Adding avocado oil (and olive oil) to pork burger patties increased the oxidative stability of the burgers when cooked.

Avocado oil offers extra protection against oxidative damage by improving your glutathione status, at least if you’re a rat.

As you might have guessed, I didn’t just start selling the stuff for the hell of it. Olive oil is great, but there are dozens of great products already established and it doesn’t taste very good in mayo. The weight of the evidence convinced me it was the oil to use in my products. ]

That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for reading and be sure to chime in below with your own thoughts, questions, comments and concerns.


The post Dear Mark: Carbs and Serum Saturated Fat, Fat and Polyphenols, and Avocado Oil for Searing appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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