Friday, December 22, 2017

I Feel More Confident, Strong, Grounded and Energized

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

My doctor introduced me to Paleo eating in 2013 when I presented with symptoms of brain fog, low energy, anxiety, and mood disorder stuff that was destroying my life and career. He told me that he could not help me if I didn’t start eating meat again, and put veganism behind me.

Up to that point I had been a vegan for 13 years. I got into vegetarianism for asthma/allergies as a teenager, which lead me to being vegan. The allergies/asthma didn’t go away until I moved away from my family despite my best efforts to eat vegan and do tons of fasts, cleanses, and meditation.

In my 20s I was your typical ungrounded nice guy on a spiritual journey living in my car, trying to transcend the pain and anger of having been raised in a broken home. Though, at the time I had no idea I was actually doing what is known as spiritual bypassing.

Dawson_ProfessionalI heard about Mark’s Daily Apple and your work from The Primal Blueprint. This was the first book I read when I started educating myself about Paleo.

In general I find that overeating, eating dairy, grains, nightshades, too much nuts/seeds/fruit, and repressing feelings doesn’t work. Eating plenty of greens and vegetables, balanced with fat/protein, and staying active works best for me. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol combined with a low carb approach in particular has been great for me. This is often more effective than just Paleo where eggs, nuts, seeds, and nightshades are not excluded with grains and beans.

My journey has also led me to pursue psycho-dynamic therapy. Many of my challenges seem to have a psycho-emotional root cause or component. This is one of the biggest things I’ve learned and continue to learn.

Since I started eating Paleo I feel more confident, strong, grounded, and energized then I did in my 20s. I’m in my mid 30s and better off now than I was back then. I also notice that I get more definition and muscle tone the closer I stay to Paleo, and I don’t even hit the gym. This is with a full time career in landscaping and gardening.

Thanks again for the invite to share my story and give to our tribe!

James Dawson


The post I Feel More Confident, Strong, Grounded and Energized appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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