Friday, September 29, 2017

We Were On a Break

Until yesterday, I hadn't done my own hair since mid-May. Shame! And even when I came out of my second set of  faux locs a few weeks ago, I had the stylist (IG @enigmatic_styles) do my henna and everything! 


Whenever I get me-time, I choose to spend it on the roof sipping Red Tree Pinot Noir, reading my kindle, meditating or sneaking in an episode of The HandMaid's Tale (just started it... where the hell is Poussey?!)--definitely not deep conditioning, detangling, twisting and re-twisting.  But I missed my curls and this morning as Gia got dressed for school, she gleefully noted, 'you're not straightnikki anymore, you're curlynikki again!'

I've been out of the game for a minute, tho. What are the best curl creams now?  I used Ouidad's new Featherlight Styling Cream because that's all I had on deck (they sent it a few weeks back).  It's pretty decent.  Can't give a full review yet, but I like to consistency and the shiny, non-crunchy, fluffy results. I made 20 twists on damp hair (let it dry a bit in a t-shirt) and rolled the ends on perm rods.  Twist-n-Curl throwback!  What are you using right now? And how do you rock your hair when you're in need of a break? 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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