Friday, September 8, 2017

Mango Hair Mask

by Mary Wolff

We all know that what we eat plays a role in how our hair will look and feel. Fruits are a great way to eat healthy while giving hair the nutrition it needs to stay healthy. Mangos are one of the healthiest fruits to add to your diet, but this fruit can also be used in your hair care routine directly! With a mango hair mask, give your strands and scalp a sweet treat with lots of benefits.

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Eating mango is good for your overall health and your hair in a variety of ways. Since it’s high in vitamins A and C, it helps with blood circulation of the scalp which helps with hair growth. According to, “These are both important nutrients in the battle against hair loss. They keep the hair supple and help prevent breakage by supporting the body's production of 'sebum', the oily substance in the hair follicles. Sebum also keeps the scalp healthy, preventing dandruff and itching.” While eating a mango is great for your health, applying it to your hair has some of the same benefits. It is also a great way to moisturize your strands and scalp.

Here are a few of the benefits of doing a mango hair mask:

  • It can treat dandruff without further irritating the scalp. Mango is rich in vitamins that help to balance the sebum production which plays a role in dandruff.
  • Since it helps keep the scalp healthy and the blood circulating, it can help with hair growth at the follicle level.
  • The vitamins found in mangos can help to strengthen the keratin bonds which makes hair stronger and less prone to breakage.
  • It is super moisturizing! Since it’s a juicy fruit, it should come as no surprise that mangos are 82% water. This makes them super hydrating for your strands!
So, how do you do a mango hair mask? Take a look at this video for the inside scoop,

If DIY isn’t your thing, mango has been added to all sorts of hair care products to give you the same benefits. Here are a few great products that use mango:
  • Creme of Nature Mango & Shea Butter Ultra-Moisturizing Leave-In Conditioner
  • Inahsi Naturals Mango Hemp Restorative Hair Masque Deep Conditioner
  • TRUE by Made Beautiful Hydrating Hair Butter
  • Klorane Mask with Mango Butter


Mango feature photo

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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