Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My 5 Day Grape Detox

Along with regular intermittent fasting, I actually fast or detox several times a year.

It's a great reset button for me spiritually, mentally and aesthetically, of course-- I love seeing the bloat and extra poochage melt away.  It also gives me hella energy and motivates me to stay off wheat.  It's that time of year again and the thought of another Master Cleanse with that gross salt water cleanse disgusted me... I'm in no mood for smoothies or juicing (the incessant chopping and all that damn blender cleaning), and bone broth fasts are time consuming and expensive.  As I considered my options, I reached for another handful of seeded concord grapes and thought... how 'bout a grape cleanse?! Ha! I Googled 'grape detox' and of course it's a thing (everything's a thing... banana diets too, lol) and was actually made popular by the creator of Caudalie, a skin care brand I started using like 2 weeks ago (love their anti-aging serum).  Crazy. So, today is day 1.  It's about noon here in D. C. and I plan to have Whole Foods on 14th deliver me every organic grape in the building.  I'll check back in with updates.  I hope to go about 5 days-- grapes, water, rooibos tea.  Wine is grapes, too, so, that may still be happening as well.  We'll see.

Later Gators,

 In other news, I haven't slept in like 3 weeks 'cause, Max. He slept through the night from jump but abruptly stopped because he's teething. Luckily he's super cute. 

Mother of Dragons


from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2y5v1Mv

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