Friday, September 22, 2017

Goodbye, Sugar Addiction!

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

My weight gain happened when I was pregnant—I had 2 pregnancies back to back. When my first child was 4 months I was pregnant again, so I didn’t have time to lose the first amount of baby weight I put on. All in all I was 91 pounds heavier.

For years I would yo-yo diet, going on extreme calorie counting diets of
around 700 calories. I would lose loads of weight and once the event was over I would not be able to sustain the low calories and I would pile the weight on plus more.

It got so bad that I stopped taking my kids to school and my husband had to take them! I was fearful of the parents judging me and my weight that I
missed out on so much.

I was depressed, had extreme anxiety, inflammation in my joints, you name it I had it, I was starting to get blurred vision which was worrying as it’s a sign of early onset of diabetes. I was a complete mess but I was still so addicted to sugar.

I was so good at secretly eating and hiding my chocolate and cake wrappers from my husband. I would go to the shops and sneak the sugary treats in the house and then binge eat them in secret. My days revolved around my binges. It got so bad that I would often cry whilst I was bingeing but yet so addicted to the sugar I couldn’t stop!

In my early years I followed a pretty lowish carb diet and held a slim
weight. I had seen Mark’s Daily Apple and I soaked up all the information on how effective a low carb, high fat diet could stop you from craving sugar. I started the diet and I wanted to document my journey on Instagram to keep myself accountable. It’s called @healthy_girl_jen and is quite successful. I put all my time and effort into it and take pictures of my food and also post my transformation pictures.

The low carb diet stopped me from craving the sugar. Months went by and the weight was falling off me. Within 9 months I had lost 84 pounds and by the following year I had lost a total of 91 pounds.

I can’t tell you how much better I felt. I was able to take the kids to
school and go on play dates. My inflammation went, depression, anxiety, blurred vision went. I had the best Christmas ever! I wasn’t insecure, I was able to wear leggings that I had always dreamed to wear!

Thank you very much for all the information you put out there on this low
carb lifestyle! I am living proof that it works! Feel free to follow my Instagram pageI am so passionate about passing on the low carb journey to as many people as possible so they can benefit from all the wonderful things that it gives you!

I have my life back! I am truly blessed!
Jennifer xxxx


The post Goodbye, Sugar Addiction! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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