Saturday, September 16, 2017

Like It's Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine

Me and this bob. And how 'bout I'm wrapping it... like it's nineteen hundred and ninety-nine! 
I was pin curling it for a while, then bantu-knotting, trying to get some texture in it, but my hair falls fast.  Wrapping it is quick and keeps the volume on deck. Thanks @enigmatic_styles! 

Hola Chica,

So about 3 months ago I deleted all of the social media apps from my phone and it was probably one of the best decisions I've made in my whole damn life.  I obviously still have to log on because money, but it's nice using the internet like it's nineteen hundred and ninety-nine.  I actually have to sit down at my computer, cut it on and log in... or if I want to post to IG (which ain't often), I have to take the time to re-download the app and then proceed to post.  I promptly re-delete it too, haha.

It not only freed up my morning, allowing for an excellent pre-mommy duties meditation session but not checking my feed and emails first thing also keeps me in my chosen frequency or vibe.  After my morning meditation and before my feet hit the floor, I choose how I want to feel that day and I do my best to stay there no matter what shakes or pops off.  It's been working, especially on the days where I can make it past breakfast.  Speaking of breakfast, I'm still mostly doing my intermittent fasting.  It's worked great to help me get back down to pre-Max weight! I was 103 pounds when I got pregnant with him and I'm 105 now.  I got up to 150 with both of them.  I'm still not working out like I should, but carrying his 18 pound self around the house is plenty.  What else... I'm taking aloe vera gel caps to prevent aging.  We have a nanny and I spend a ton of time on the roof, in the sun and although I rock sunscreen daily (cetaphil), I wanted to take extra steps.  There was a study done a while back and they found that aloe vera gel, even in small amounts helps to increase collagen production which is what you need to keep your skin gorgeous.  I think that concludes my rambling... off to the roof to dive into an old favorite, Mooji's book, 'Before I Am'.

went to Magic Ground in DC to let Gia run off some energy.  Hadn't been there since I was 9 months pregnant so I was also motivated by my desire to hear, 'OMG, you look amazing!' from all the staff.  It was fun. And yes, Max is in the cesspool, but he really wanted to get in there and I disinfected his whole self immediately following. Strangely, he only wanted to taste the yellow ones. 

Fats.  He pulls up on absolutely everything now so we had to get him a walker to keep him from hurting himself! 

Boogie. 7 years old. 2nd grade. I don't even know how. 

gorgeous new Etnia Barcelona sunnies gifted from my friends at

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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