Thursday, June 15, 2017

Steve Harvey Tells Flint Resident To 'Enjoy Brown Water'

Just when you think you’ve heard the trashiest thing someone has ever publicly said, someone goes off and tops it. Well, “congratulations” to Steve Harvey for winning that crown.

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Steve Harvey recently took to his morning radio talk show with chagrin over the Cleveland Cavaliers losing the NBA Finals in game five to the Golden State Warriors. One listener from Flint, Michigan called telling Harvey -- a Cavaliers fan -- that Cleveland didn’t “deserve jack.”

Well, this apparently set off Harvey so much so that he went in on the caller, taking the lowest of blows by joking about the Flint water crisis. The conversation was recorded and posted on social media.

On the video, one could hear his co-hosts telling him that he should apologize, but Harvey double-downed.

"I wasn't talking about the city of Flint," Harvey retorted to his co-hosts, "I was talking about him."

"He gone call in and say Cleveland don't deserve jack and he over their bathing in all that silver water," he added.

Though referencing the caller in third person, the caller was still on the line at the time and then when they realized, he told the hosts that his name was “Dee” and he was from “Flinttown.” That’s when Harvey ended with the kicker, “And one more thing… enjoy your nice brown glass of water.”

What?! First of all, every good comedian knows that the best and smartest jokes are delivered when you “punch up,” not “down.” Harvey has said a bunch of questionable things in the past, but with this, he has reached a new low. There is absolutely nothing funny about the Flint residents who have suffered for years with tainted water in a first world country with access to clean water.

One of the most popular representatives of the fight for clean water is Amariyanna "Mari" Copeny, better known as "Little Miss Flint." Copeny appeared on Harvey's television show last year on June 13. She took to Twitter to express her grievances and disappointment at the comedians disrespectful joke.

However, Fifth Ward Flint City Councilman Wantwaz Davis was not surprised. "I cautioned people after the Steve Harvey show not to take this person serious," Davis said in reference to his appeared on Harvey’s afternoon talk show in March of last year. "He's an opportunist. He's all for show." Davis claimed that Harvey even made light of the dire situation back then by telling people to pack up and leave.

"That was beyond reality," said Davis. "How could Harvey tell these poverty-stricken people with no hope and no job to just pack up and leave?"
"It made me extremely disappointed and upset, but I was nowhere near fooled by who this man is," Davis added.

As for Harvey, himself? We haven’t yet received an official comment on the matter from him or his spokesperson. However, in another video posted on Facebook, his co-host apologized on behalf of the morning radio show.

Source: MLive

What do you think about Harvey’s “joke?” Is it ever appropriate to make light of such a situation?

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